Tuesday, August 10, 2010

30 Days of Insight: Day 03

It is now Day 03 of 30 Days of Insight, inspired by Lost in YA Wonderland. Today is:

"The five songs you would have with you on a desert island and why?"

01. "Lake of Fire" - Nirvana

This hurts me because I thoroughly enjoy all of Nirvana's music. However, this is one of those tunes that you can just belt out when you feel like it.

02. "When The Stars Go Blue" - Tim McGraw

I wanted a country song and I picked Tim McGraw because I'm sort of in love with him. I *love* his voice in this one.

03. "Vermillion, Pt 2" - Slipknot

Need my Slipknot, and this is one of my absolute favorite songs that I don't get sick of easily.

04. "Daddy DJ" - Daddy DJ

I need some raver music to reminisce about my husband. This is one of our favorites that we actually agree on. ;)

05. "Best Friend" - ToyBox

Silly, pop-ish song that I cannot get enough of.

I think I've covered the basic genres to give me some variety.


Samantha R. said...

Wow, what a variety! Love that "Best Friend" is on there - I loved that song when I was younger!

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