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Today's Question:

What makes up your non-human family?
Define "family". If by "family" you mean the animals that live with me, I have three inside with a stray who literally lives on my two-story deck that I feed and take care of. However, if by "family", you mean all of the animals that I love and take care of ... well, I claim my parents two dogs as well.
The above pictures are my immediate family. I have two spoiled chihuahua children - a female (black & white) named Dilla and a male (brindle) named Optimus Prime. The cat is Stormy, my cat that I brought in when I moved in with my husband. He's spoiled beyond the limits of spoiled, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I also have a stray cat who looks identical to my tuxedo cat outside, but getting a picture of him is nearly impossible as it takes me almost an hour of patience just to wait him out and actually pet him. His name is Timber.
Then, there's my other two babies. We got Taz (tan) from my sister-in-law (who I got Dilla from) four years ago when my mom found out she had cirrhosis. With Dad working and me over an hour away, we knew she needed a companion. I was thrilled because I had been around Taz since he was a wee pup. And we're still close. He practically claims me as his and stays by my side when I get there up until the moment that I leave. I guess you could say he's my non-human brother. Mimi (black & tan) is more like the non-human bitchy sister I never asked for, but I have any way. She went from being an experiment to permanent resident last year. She belonged to an old woman that fed her all day and never exercised her. In doing so, Mimi gained a huge amount of weight and lost most usage of her legs for lack of using them. They took her to my mom to get her exercise. It was successful. So successful in fact that the old woman decided to give Mimi to my mom so she wouldn't go back to her old state. She's still shaky on her legs, but she's lost a ton of weight and walks around more now than ever.
So, those are my babies. How about your non-human family??
So, those are my babies. How about your non-human family??
I LOVE Stormy so so elegant with his tuxedo.
I always said that if I had a dog again it'd to be a Chihuahua :) I guess because of the size.
I posted a pic too on My FF if you'd like to see it.
I'm also a new follower :)
I'm already a follower, but those pics are SO cute!!
Oh they are so cute! We have 2 dogs & 2 cats and kitties on the way. We'll have a house full soon.
Have a great Friday!
The Book Inn
Omg your pets are all SO cute!
I have a Bengal cat named Stella that I rescued when the Humane Society was going to put her down for growling and lack of interest. Jasper is my domestic short hair kitty...black and tuxedo, and also a rescue. I also just got a rescue Chow Chow puppy named Cinna :)
I love all your pets, super cute! I'm the proud mommy of a cat named Miranda. I love a cat's independence and self-sufficient personality. I'm a new follower of yours from Parajunkee's FF and would love you to visit me.
Happy Friday I'm just stopping by for Follow Friday and the hop. I can't believe its Friday already but I hope you have a fabulous weekend and get lots of reading done.
Romance Book Junkies
Cuties! I'm a new follower(almost positive I am haha) and you can see my non-human family here:
Just an old follower stopping by to wish you a great weekend! I love the new design on your blog :) And your pets are so cute. I have two miniature schnauzer. I love reading whilst having one ( or even both) of them curling up beside me. I can't imagine a life without pets.
Old follower, wanted to say hi! Drop by if you get a chance!
Giving away Rot & Ruin and Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry!
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