Gwen Hayes
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Gwen Hayes's Books
Falling Under [Buy]
Butterface [Buy]
Oh Goddess [Buy]
Refreshingly dorky.
What made you choose to write?
I've always had the voices in my head--characters talking to each other, I just didn't realize that not everyone did. I wrote a little in high school, but it wasn't until the last four years that I decided to actually, you know, finish something.
What is your favorite part about writing? Least favorite?
My favorite part about writing are the mushy scenes. My least favorite is when I get stuck and don't know what comes next.
Falling Under is your YA debut novel. Could you tell us the inspiration behind this story?
I was writing a cute little romantic comedy when I kept hearing the first line of Falling Under in my head, over and over. I thought maybe I could just write down the first scene and it would stop haunting me, but I was so wrong.
Did you find the publication process to be difficult?
I found the publication process to be a lot of hard work, but not difficult. The trick in life, and publishing, is to surround yourself with people who are talented and good at what they do, which makes you, in turn, better at what you do. When I began writing seriously, I found a supportive
Aside from Falling Under, you have a few short stories out. Which do you prefer to write: the short stories or the full-length novels?
I really like writing both. Full-length is more challenging for me, though.
Are there any upcoming projects that you can share with us?
I'm waiting to get edits back on the sequel to Falling Under! We hope to have it on the shelves in January. Pretty cool, huh?
Thanks for inviting me over!