Last Week...
The Fledgling Handbook 101, by PC Cast & Kim Doner
Vixen (The Flappers #1), by Jillian Larkin
This Week...
The Bloodlight Chronicles: Reconciliation, by Steve Stanton
Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books, by Francesca Lia Block
The Familiars, by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson
The Frenzy, by Francesca Lia Block
Infinite Days, by Rebecca Maizel
Future News...
The Fledgling Handbook 101, by PC Cast & Kim Doner
Vixen (The Flappers #1), by Jillian Larkin
This Week...
The Bloodlight Chronicles: Reconciliation, by Steve Stanton
Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books, by Francesca Lia Block
The Familiars, by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson
The Frenzy, by Francesca Lia Block
Infinite Days, by Rebecca Maizel
Future News...
Gratitude Giveaways is coming up next week! Don't forget to stop by where you'll get the chance to sign up for my giveaway!!
Article: "Trendspotting: Readers' Spending on Books"
My questions for today are ones that are asked at the end of this particular article: What are your responses to this report? Does it match with what you –as a reader– have observed? With your own buying habits? When was the last time you bought a book? What did you buy and why?
This report hasn't told me anything that I haven't guessed on my own from keeping up with the trends. Of course e-books will rise because their price is cheaper in most cases and it's also a lot easier to download a book and read immediately, rather than go out to purchase OR buy online and wait for the book to be shipped to you.
I just bought a book last week. My buying habits fluctuate depending on how much money I have to budget for. I don't have a job so all of my money comes from my husband ... and the independent girl in me doesn't like asking for a lot of money for my own addiction. With that said, I do try to buy books regularly. Hardcovers I love but because of their price, if I have a choice between a new hardcover book I don't know much about or two+ paperbacks that have been on my list, I'm going to go for the paperbacks. If it's a part of a series or an author that I love, then I'll definitely go for hardcover. Oh, and if I really REALLY like a book ... I'll buy the e-book when it's less expensive to keep on my portable hard drive to read when I'm not at home. =)
I just bought a book last week. My buying habits fluctuate depending on how much money I have to budget for. I don't have a job so all of my money comes from my husband ... and the independent girl in me doesn't like asking for a lot of money for my own addiction. With that said, I do try to buy books regularly. Hardcovers I love but because of their price, if I have a choice between a new hardcover book I don't know much about or two+ paperbacks that have been on my list, I'm going to go for the paperbacks. If it's a part of a series or an author that I love, then I'll definitely go for hardcover. Oh, and if I really REALLY like a book ... I'll buy the e-book when it's less expensive to keep on my portable hard drive to read when I'm not at home. =)
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