Last Week...
Of Bees and Mist, by Erick Setiawan (review)
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Vixen (The Flappers #1), by Jillian Larkin
The Bloodlight Chronicles: Reconciliation, by Steve Stanton
Future News...
Of Bees and Mist, by Erick Setiawan (review)
This Week...
Vixen (The Flappers #1), by Jillian Larkin
The Bloodlight Chronicles: Reconciliation, by Steve Stanton
Future News...
Next week on Missy's Reads & Reviews, the entire week will be dedicated to Kate Kaynak's wonderful Ganzfield series! There will be reviews for the first two books coming out, themed memes, an interview with the wonderful author, and a giveaway at the end! Be sure to drop by and check it out!!
Do you have any special reading that you do as it gets closer to Christmas? If so, tell us about it! And, if not, tell us why not!
Like Halloween, there are certain traditions that I do during the Christmas holiday season. I do like to read some of the children's classics, as well as watch some of the shows. But when it comes to serious Christmas readings, I always do two things: I typically write short stories of my own to make me get into that whimsical mood, and I also concentrate on Christmas crafts and decorations. I'm all about some homemade gifts and decorations (and food!) when it comes to Christmas, so I try to concentrate on that more than themed readings. Plus, with all of the books I have lined up for reviewing, I don't think I'll have time for that!
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