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This week's question is ...
Who are your favorite authors??
Oh, favorite authors. Honestly, it's like picking favorite books right now for me ... there's too many to name! I will say that, out of the books that I have read lately, some of my favorite authors are Gena Showalter (this should be a given), Kate Kaynak (I love her Ganzfield series and she is so sweet!), Beth Fantaskey, Charlaine Harries, Lauren Kate, Maggie Stiefvater, and so many more! Gah, I so cannot decide!!
Stopping by via Follow Friday. I'm a new follower, hope you get a chance to stop by my blog later :)
I think your favourite author choices are fantastic. I've only read Maggie Stiefvater (her prose is gorgeous), but I've heard amazing things about Gena Showalter and the rest on that list :)
Hello Fellow Blogger! Wanted to show some love and say your blog is wonderful. I myself just started a new blog and could really use your support. Return the favor and become a follower?
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