This Week's Question ...
There are two books that are part of two series that I really want. There's Torment, which is the second book of the Fallen series that I'm absolutely dying to get my hands on at this point. I read Fallen the day it came out and I was absolutely hooked! Then there's Last Sacrifice, which is the sixth and final Vampire Academy book. This is the series I promised not to get addicted to ... and now, I'm hooked!
There are also books by debut authors that I can't wait on. The one that pops out the most is Banished, by Sophie Littlefield. The most obvious answer for this blog being The Thirteenth Chime, by Emma Michaels. ;)

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There are also books by debut authors that I can't wait on. The one that pops out the most is Banished, by Sophie Littlefield. The most obvious answer for this blog being The Thirteenth Chime, by Emma Michaels. ;)
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I still haven't read Fallen and the Vampire Academy books yet! :/ Hope to get around to them soon.
I'm already an old follower. :)
Just hopping by! I'm already a follower of your blog.
Fallen was a good read and I'm really hoping that Torment will be better. :) The story is very intriguing.
Musings of a Reader Happy
I LOVE the plaid background. I have a blue plaid phone cover and the exact same one for my Kindle. I don't read YA books but I hear Fallen and the Vampire Academy series are both good.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Hi! I'm already a follower, just Hopping by to say hi! Also, Torment is amazing, you'll love it if you enjoyed Fallen :) x
Hello, new follower! Coming on through the blog hop! Great blog! I also read and review YA books.
Have a great weekend!
Just hopping by to say hello! I am following and can’t wait to read more from your blog. I am also excited to get my hands on Torment, and Last Sacrifice. I have a Crescendo contest going on and here is my link for my Follow Friday
Stopping by from Friday follow and I'm now a follower! Love the layout of your blog!
Coffee Table Press
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am following you now, too!
Happy Friday!
aka The Nerd's Wife
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I completely agree, Last Sacrifice is going to be epic and needs to hurry up and come out! I'm now a new follower :)
Stopping on by. Loving the pink and black plaid! It has a spot in my heart...
I'll be hopping around to check out your blog :)
Personal Book Blog
Group Book Blog
Just hopping by to say hi. and I totally agree with Torment, I have been dying for it since I finished Fallen.
Have a fun weekend!
I have to be one of the handful of people left in the world who haven't read Fallen. Though, in a way I'm kind of glad because if I do read it soon I won't have long to wait until the sequel.
Anyway, thanks for the comment and I'll be following your blog as well! ;D
happy reading and hopping girl!
WOW Missy! I'm loving the new layout! Looks great!
Have a great weekend!
The Unread Reader
I love your blog, I'm a new follower :)
check out my blog?
Hey you, just following on the hop and the Friday Follow. Great site. Come visit me.
See ya!
This blog layout is great - love the plaid! I found you through the Follow my Blog Friday Tour and I'm now a follower.
If you get a chance, come visit my blog: http://bookendcrossing.blogspot.com/2010/07/book-blogger-hop-its-party.html
I'm looking forward to "Clockwork Angel" and "The Thirteenth Chime".
I'm new follower thanks to Parajunkee's Follow Friday. Have a great weekend!
Hi Missy, Here from the PJVFF, already a follower. I have been having comment issues so people haven't been able to visit -- better now. Anyway, I have a contest with CSN happening: (US and Canada) come on by and click over to it!
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Just found your blog through the hop!!! I love it! I'm a follower!
Feel free to stop by at mine at Addicted To romance
Happy Reading!
I found you through the Friday Follow, and love your blog. I am a new follower. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for following me. I'll return the favor and follow you :D
thanks for the follow! i love your site and am your newest follower. i can't wait to read torment either! we just have to wait a little longer. in a few months, it finally comes out! :D
Hey Missy :D Thanks for stopping by- Becomming obsessed with you blog you know? :P Come check out a swag giveaway i'm doing if you get the chance: http://blackfingernailedreviews.blogspot.com/2010/07/review-thirteenth-chime-by-emma-micaels.html
I found you on the hop and became a follower. I am a Melissa Marr fan too. Stop by if you can. Have a great weekend.
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