About Me

About The Blog
My name is Missy. I'm 27 physically, but sometimes not always mentally. I have a husband named Nick. We've been together since May 2003 and married in May 2007. We live in a small town in North Carolina with our two spoiled chihuahuas and grumpy male tuxedo cat that has an Alpha complex.
My occupation would best be described as a house wife, although I do a little freelance writing every once in a while. Basically, I stay at home and take care of the fort while my husband goes out and makes the big bucks. When I'm not being a housewife, I'm reading. If I'm not reading then I'm probably baking, cooking, drawing, listening to music, painting, watching a movie with my husband or writing. If I'm online, then I'm usually working on this blog.

About The Blog
Missy's Reads & Reviews is the product of mixing a girl who loves all things book-related together with a mouth that wouldn't stop and a husband that couldn't take hearing about it anymore. I review what I read and I read what I love, which is primarily Young Adult but I tend to stray now and then.
I started officially posting reviews on the blog April 1, 2010. Since then, this little site has become my baby. Although I post for everyone, the way I decide on what to post is by posting what I want to see.
What you can expect to see on this site:
- Author guest posts, interviews, news and profiles.
- Book cover reveals, release news and reviews.
- Blogger guest posts, interviews and spotlights.
- Debut Author features, news and posts.
- Features like In My Mailbox, Teaser Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday.
- Links for authors, bloggers, books, writing and more.