Monday, December 20, 2010

New 2011 Features!

I am interrupting Monday's typical posting of "Monday Readings" for some very exciting news. I have two reasons for doing this: (1) My reading schedule this week is based on review books I've yet to receive, so it's a little up in the air, and (2) I'm bouncing in my seat to share this information with you guys!

It's that time, guys! I told you all that I would share what I have in store for 2011 on this blog as soon as I knew more. Well, I know more!

Here are some of the confirmed features that I will have active on Missy's Reads & Reviews for the year 2011.

After Hours

I read a lot of books, which is no secret. The part that may amaze you is that I read about as many non-YA books as I do YA books. However, my blog has pretty much been YA-based – so all you see is the couple of reviews I do per week for Young Adult books. I still want this blog to be more about YA, but I think it's doing an injustice to all of the other books I read to not review them as well. So, one of my ideas was After Hours, which will be what I call for non-YA books that I read. However, they'll be scheduled differently than YA. Where YA is scheduled to post in the mornings, After Hours book reviews will be posted after 8pm EST.

There will also be reviews for more adult-oriented books that I read (Lords of the Underworld being the first one off the top of my head), so they'll be posted with an "Mature" warning as well - along with scheduled posts more on the weekends.

Before & After

I'm exceptionally excited about this because it will be a feature including a nice number of 2011 debut authors! This feature is a more personal look at the authors behind our most anticipated debut books for the year. Before & After is a showcase of how an author feels before and after their big debut release. I have been researching and e-mailing like crazy … and so far, the response has been wonderful.

First Line Fridays

This one is pretty much self-explanatory. On Fridays, I'll be starting a meme where I post the first lines to some random reads – whether they are some of my favorite reads, current reads, anticipated reads, or whatever I may feel like posting.

Self-Published Saturdays

I get requests from authors that are self-published every now and then. Since I don't post much on Saturdays, I've decided to reserve these reviews for these days.

Then & Now

This is a companion feature to Before & After, though it will feature 2010 debut authors. The point of this is about the same as Before & After – but authors will share how they felt THEN (last year before they were published) and what they're working on NOW. I'm still working out the kinks on this one, so it may make it's debut in February or March.

So, there they are. Some of the new 2011 features for my blog. What do you think?

Edit: You'll also notice an increase in random posts on policies and other things within the next few days. Please excuse them. I'm prepping for a better 2011 - and part of that is the nitty, gritty posts that are a necessity!


1. April (BooksandWine) said...

Those are some very cool ideas! Hope 2011 is super awesome :-)

2. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I love these ideas, Missy! They sound like a lot of fun, and I look forward to seeing you put them into play :)

3. Savannah said...

These are some great idea. I too I'm changing up some thing on the blog :)

4. Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Great ideas! Sounds like the perfect way to organize a blog. Wish I was as organized. :)

5. S (Book Purring) said...

These sound really cool. I'll come back for First Line Friday, I love doing meme's with phrases from the books hehe.

6. Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter said...

Your new features sound pretty cool. I'm sure the debut authors will really appreciate your before and after feature!

7. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Missy, Very exciting. All these new features sound great. Can't wait.

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