This Week's Question ...
Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes??I do love to listen to music. I can listen to most everything. However, the thing I like to listen to the most is classical and movie scores when I read. Why? When I hear singing, I'm tempted to listen to the lyrics. When I listen to lyrics, I usually find a storyline somewhere in that song, so then my mind goes wild with how I can turn that into a full-blown story with original characters and a nice setting. Basically, I think too much - so, I just try to avoid that altogether.
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4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
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Hey Missy. Stopping in from this weeks Follow Friday/Blog Hop. Happy reading and I hope you have a great weekend!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Hi again, already a follower. Happy Friday!
Check out ketch1714.wordpress.com for Follow Friday and a featured movie clip.
Hey Missy,
Hopping over and wishing you a great weekend!
Already a follower. :)
- Midnight Bloom
Midnight Bloom Reads
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following you, too! =) I also love your background! I LOVE pink! =) Have a great weekend!
Hi Thanks for hopping over to my blog. I'm already a follower and wanted to say have a great weekend. xx
I envy you! I wish I could listen to music while I read. The songs-without-lyrics idea is a really good one! Maybe I'll try that out! I think that would be less distracting for me than someone singing words that are different from the ones on the page I'm reading.
Happy Friday!
The Bookish Type
I found you through follow friday. Now following. =) I like listening to classical and instrumentals as well. lol, if I listen to songs with lyrics, I tend to stop what I'm doing to sing along.
Hey! Just hopped by and thought I'd stop and wish you a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I think the hop is a marvelous way to meet bloggers both old and new.
I zone out when I read so don't even try to listen to music when reading.
Happy Hop Day! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hey stopping in from Follow Friday and The Blog Hop! I absolutely adore your header/background and am your newest follower!
Have an amazing weekend!
Hi Missy! I'm a new follower stopping by for the hop. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you have a good weekend!
An Avid Reader's Musings
Hopping on by to say hello. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by on my blog!
LOL. I've been getting a lot of comments about my blog title... DX
I listen to a lot of instrumentals too when I'm reading.
Happy Friday. Come see how I listen to music when I read.
Just dropped in to say hi. I am already a follower.
Hi, Missy!
Just hopping by! I'm already a follower of your blog.
Haha! I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to lyrics. It's distracting sometimes. :p
Musings of a Reader Happy
You're amazing. Though I have music playing, my mind usually shuts down the music. Can't "multitask". LOL.
Hopping in to say Hi!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I hope you have a great weekend. I'm a new follower.
Hi thanks for following my blog! I love yours so I'm following you as well. Have a great day :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog on the hop I am a new follower as well!!!!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a new follower! I am so glad you liked my new header (thanks to Adori Graphics)and blog name, too! I'm a new follower of yours now, too!
Crazy Cat Lady
Thanks for stopping by Book Ge3k! I love love the pink layout. Definitely followed. =]
Thanks for stopping by my blog this Friday =)))
Have a wonderful Week! =D
thanks for stopping by my blog! am a new follower and thanks for following me too!
nice blog anyway :)
Happy Blogging day!
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