Friday, July 22, 2011

Hop & Follow Friday

Parajunkee's Question:
Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?
Easy! Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice and Beth Fantaskey. For some reason, I think sitting down with all of them at one time would be quite a treat!

Crazy-for-Books' Question:
What’s the ONE GENRE that you wish you could get into, but just can’t?
As a whole, probably Historical Fiction. I can read some and actually enjoy them, but for some reason I always avoid the section all the time. A [historical fiction] book has to be pretty intriguing with really rave reviews for me to actually pick it up.

Missy's Reads & Reviews: Weekly Re-cap


1. Lalaine said...

Hi missy, great picks, ive been seeing anne price everywhere, i think i should check out her books,

see you around x


2. Savannah said...

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

3. Belle said...

Hi Missy! Love your blog and your unique FF button. I'm a new follower :)

4. Aimee said...

I agree about the historical fiction! I rarely read them, most of the time I love them but it takes a lot for me to pick it up. I'm already a follower! My answers are up at Coffee Table Reviews.

5. Beth D. said...

I put Anne Rice also. New follower. Have a great Friday!!

6. Kathy said...

Historical fiction is hit or miss for me as well. There is some I really enjoy.

7. flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

Historical Fiction is a favorite of mine actually. I don't really have an genres that are hard for me to read except maybe some extreame chick-lit. Great answers! ^-^

Happy Hopping!

8. Anonymous said...

The Dystopian genre is one ,I can't get into

9. Pedantic Phooka said...

Hi there, I'm hopping through and following you.

Have a great weekend!

Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

10. Mandy said...

Happy Friday!

I love Beth Fantaskey! <3 And I wish I would of thought of historical fiction! I love some of the books I've read with historical fiction, but like you, it has to sound realllyyy good for me to read it!

Love your bunny FF button. :) Very cute!

11. BLHmistress said...

OH I would love to sit down with Anne Rice how interesting would that convo be.

My Follow Friday

12. Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I'd love to meet Beth. I'd want the inside scoop on the new Jessica book.
My Hop

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