Saturday, November 12, 2011

Double Clutch Blog Tour Kick-Off

Welcome to the official post for Liz Reinhardt's DOUBLE CLUTCH Blog Tour, hosted by yours truly! Here you will find links to all tour stops during the blog tour which will begin Sunday, November 13th and run through Sunday, December 4th. There will be interviews with the author, guest posts written by Liz and reviews so you can see what others think of Double Clutch. The best part? A lot of the participating bloggers will be hosting giveaways for e-copies of Double Clutch to selected lucky readers.

Double Clutch Tour Stops
November 13 - December 4

Sunday, November 13: Interview @ Roro Is Reading
Monday, November 14:
Guest Post @ Turner's Antics
Tuesday, November 15: Interview @ A Diary of a Book Addict
Wednesday, November 16: Guest Post @ Dreams Galore
Thursday, November 17: Review @ I Heart Books
Friday, November 18: Guest Post @ A Word's Worth
Saturday, November 19: Review @ Much Loved Books
Sunday, November 20: Interview @ Arianne Cruz
Monday, November 21: Review @ The Confessions of a Book Nerd
Tuesday, November 22: Guest Post @ Alchemy of Scrawl
Wednesday, November 23: Interview @ O'Boyled Books
Thursday, November 24: Guest Post @ Books, Biscuits & Tea
Saturday, November 26: Review @ KC's Paranormal Books
Sunday, November 27: Interview @ Words on the Shelf
Monday, November 28: Guest Post @ Missy's Reads & Reviews
Thursday, December 01: Interview @ The Book Barbies
Saturday, December 03: Interview @ Book Labyrinth
Sunday, December 04: Review @ The Ballad of a Subcultural Mother

Although not every participating blogger was given a specific date to review Double Clutch, they will still be posting their reviews throughout the tour. In order to keep track of all of these reviews, I am including a linky for them to post the link to their reviews. Please make sure to visit their reviews below.

Double Clutch Reviews...

Review: Angels of the Night: Discovery, by Paula Kennedy

Some angels DESERVE to die!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Twilight in this hot new Y.A. paranormal romance 'Angels of the Night: Discovery.'

Allison Webber is tired of looking over her shoulder. Stalked by shadows her entire life, she embraces the invitation to join a secret society hiding the existence of vampires. Things heat up quickly in this all male cult when she catches the eyes of two sexy vampire twins, Thane and Darcy Wallace. Amid steamy encounters with the identical twins competing for her attention, Allison learns her mission is to aid a select group of vampires, the Angels of the Night, as they hunt and destroy the females of their species. Completely taken with the brothers and her new role, she fails to see that one of the twins has been using her. Allison must delve deep within herself for the courage to save the brother she loves and destroy the one who betrayed her.
When I started this book, I noticed that there are many draws that snag you from the very beginning. Obviously, the first one you'll see is the cover. It's absolutely stunning. Then, if you're like me and you want to know what the book is actually about.. the synopsis will come next. And if that doesn't grab you, then the opening scenes will. If I didn't think that I was hooked into Angels of the Night: Discovery to begin with, then the first chapter definitely seals the deal. It adds a level of intrigue that isn't necessarily all revealed then, but it's something that gets trapped in the back of your mind through the rest of the story. BIG plus for starting things off with a bang.

After the initial opening chapter, the story slows down just a bit as you're introduced to Allison, her life and all of the characters that follow. The first thing that I absolutely fell in love with when it came to Allison was the fact that, yes, she's a teenage girl in high school but that in no way makes her an immature, damsel-in-distress type that we see in so many other stories where the main characters are high school students. Her personality is pretty kicking, her actions and reactions are genuine to her character, and everything about her screams that she's a great female lead for the story. Overall, I think my favorite part of Allison is her interactions with Darcy and Thane - it's all completely believable and there's chemistry there that draws you to those scenes more than anything.

While we're on the subject of the brothers... wow. Twins but polar opposites, yet you're still drawn to both in the story. I remember reading somewhere a comparison of Darcy and Thane to Louis and Lestat of Anne Rice's novel Interview with the Vampire - and I can totally see it. There's the dark and brooding, then the one who's trying to hold on to a little of his humanity. Though that's as far as the comparisons go because Darcy and Thane are most definitely their own persons - err, well.. vampires, actually.

The story is really character-driven, especially with the interactions between the brothers and Allison, but it's definitely not short of its own plot to drive the story as well. Angels of the Night: Discovery is full of history, romance, betrayal and let's not forgot what makes most good mysteries in a story - secrets, secrets, secrets.

If I had to say anything critically about this story, I would say that I find it did drag a little in spots (definitely not many!) and the POV-switching was a little confusing.. but neither was enough to deter me from the story in the least. The writing is nothing short of great, hooking you with wonderful storytelling and a great cast of characters to boot. It's a definite recommendation for all of the paranormal lovers out there. You definitely won't be disappointed.

Rating: ★★★★★
Source: Author

Don't forget I'm hosting a giveaway for an e-copy of Angels of the Night: Discovery. Giveaway ends tomorrow at midnight. Click here to be taken to the giveaway page!

Author Information
Blog | Website | Facebook

Book Information
Series: Angels of the Night (Book 1)
Kindle Edition, 188 pages
Published August 2011 by Champagne Books
ISBN: 9781926996370

Angels of the Night Facebook

Buy The Book
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Champagne Books

New This Week!

New This Week! is a weekly feature in which I showcase some of the titles released in the Young Adult world throughout the week. Each picture is linked to its respective Goodreads page, so if a cover appeals to you be sure to click on it to learn more about the book.

Week of: November 6th - November 12th, 2011

This is a list of the books that come out through the week. This list is NOT in chronological order, but instead alphabetized. To see the books on the date that they are actually published, please be sure to "like" Missy's Reads & Reviews on Facebook.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where You Are, by Tammara Webber

Where You Are
by Tammara Webber

Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: October 21, 2011
Series: Between The Lines, Book 2
Genre: YA, Contemporary Romance
Format: Kindle Edition
Graham Douglas doesn’t do romantic relationships, but he was knocked for a loop when he met Emma Pierce on the set of his last film. As they grew closer, he did everything in his power to keep from falling for a girl being pursued by superstar Reid Alexander. Now home in New York, his life is once again under control, until Emma appears and shows him how not over her he is.

Emma Pierce is forsaking an up-and-coming Hollywood career to embark on a life she’s only dreamed of—the life of a regular girl. After spending months burying her feelings for the two night-and-day guys who vied for her heart while filming her last movie, a twist of fate puts her in a coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan with the one she still misses.

Brooke Cameron was a fresh-faced Texas girl when she arrived in LA. Now she’s a beach sitcom star turned conceited heiress on the big screen. Having just survived three months on location with her ex—Hollywood’s reigning golden boy—she’s older and wiser and has set her sights on her close friend Graham. The only thing standing in her way is the girl he can’t forget.

Reid Alexander can sum up his life in one word: boring. Between film projects, there’s little going on outside of interviews, photo shoots, and the premiere of the film he finished last fall. The next-to-last thing he expects is to get a second chance with Emma, the girl who rejected him. The last thing he expects is for his still-bitter-ex to be the one to offer it to him on a platter.
I'm going to go ahead and say that this review may be a bit spoiler-ish (hopefully not much) for those who have not read Between The Lines. If you haven't read that book, you may want to hold out for this review.. or just go on ahead to Amazon and spend the $2.99 to catch up. It's worth it, believe me.

To be honest, Where You Are completely blew me away. I mean, don't get me wrong, I knew it was going to be good. What I wasn't expecting was how it was so overwhelmingly different from its predecessor, Between The Lines, yet still managed to make me fall in love with it just as much as the other - but for completely different reasons. Usually, when you have a great book that you absolutely fall in love with, its sequel won't quite live up to the high expectations. At least, that's what I've always thought.. until now.

In Where You Are, we're dealing with the same four main characters that we were introduced to in Between The Lines. However, where BTL was more fast-paced when it came to the relationships because it dealt more with the newness of relationships mixed with partying and the world of movie-making, WYA slams on the brakes and takes us to a new place - one where a relationship is blossoming so everything is slowed down for discovery and all of the fun (and some more serious) things that come along with committing to someone. You'd think that after being on such a high from the pace in the first book, the pace of the second would bring you down and possibly bore you. You know what? Maybe it would... with another book and another author. However, Tammara's writing style — adding to the fact that the story is about the two characters that we fell in love with in the first novel along with an unexpected alliance of chaos — makes it so there is never a dull moment.

You really get a great first-hand look at a relationship that is truly starting from the ground up with Emma and Graham, which was given a great foundation of friendship that was built upon in the first book. You witness a lot of the little moments (long-distance Skype dates, small get-aways during promotion for their film School Pride, etc) which might seem boring to some, but seemed absolutely endearing to me because these are all of the real details that entail dating long-distance and learning about someone you care about.

Of course, relationships aren't always perfect and there are sometimes snags that come along — which, in the case of Emma and Graham's story is Reid and Brooke. Once vicious enemies, Brooke and Reid start a shaky alliance with one another to try to get the happy couple to separate, thinking that if they do then Graham would go to Brooke (who has decided that she's in love with him) and this would give Reid another chance with Emma. When I approached this part of the story, I hesitated. I thought for sure that this was going to go horribly awry and I wasn't going to get the happily-ever-after that I wanted so desperately for these two. However, I was hit with a few curve balls that wasn't expected but wasn't NOT welcomed. Given the circumstances and how everything turned out, I was surprised with how the characters dealt with their conflicts. Reid and Brooke both surprised me in both pleasant and not-so-pleasant ways.

I know all of this sounds a little vague but I don't want to completely ruin the story for anyone. Like I said from the beginning, this story is much different from the first book but still just as good. I may actually chance saying that it's better.. even with all of the ups and downs your emotions go through with the characters throughout the story. Everything about this book is fantastic.. then again, I never doubted it because it comes from a fantastic author.

Rating: ★★★★★
Source: Author

Buy The BookAmazon | Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's A Waverly Life, by Maria Murnane

Readers first met the irrepressible Waverly Bryson in Perfect on Paper, and now the woman dubbed by fans as “the American Bridget Jones” is back in a sequel packed with friendship, heartache, and romance. In It’s a Waverly Life, the formerly heartbroken singleton is now happily enmeshed in a new relationship, a new job, and a new decade. Her career as an advice columnist is taking off, and the future of her fledgling greeting-card line is bright. Of course, where Waverly goes, drama is sure to follow, and this time is no exception. Her broken engagement to former fiancé Aaron Vaughn has left her gun-shy when it comes to love, putting strain on her long-distance relationship with handsome Jake McIntyre. And when her best friends McKenna and Andie both make life-changing announcements, Waverly fears she is being left behind by the ones she loves most. In true Waverly fashion, things must get comically worse before they can get better. But in the end, she discovers that though life (before and after thirty) may be messy and unpredictable, friendship and love make it all worthwhile.
To begin, I had actually never read Murnane's first Waverly book, Perfect on Paper, until I was actually finished with this book. Having said that, there was never a moment while I was reading It's A Waverly Life that made me feel lost when there was a reference to the first book. However, after reading this book, I immediately wanted to go back and read the first because Waverly is an amazing character that's easy to relate to and a personality that will charm the wits out of you. You just can't get enough of her!

At the beginning, everything seems to be going wonderful for Waverly.. but of course, all that glitters is not gold. Soon, things start going downhill and it seems as though all of it will consume her. However, Waverly never acts like a little damsel-in-distress. She takes charge and always confronts whatever may be going wrong. I love her attitude and the way that she doesn't seem to give up, even when you feel as a reader like you would if you were in her shoes.

The romance in this story is just like it is in real life, it has its ups and its downs. But that's what makes love so much fun.. if you want it, you have to work for it. To my surprise though, the romance was not the center of attention in this story - which I really liked. Instead, it focused on other aspects of Waverly's life along with giving us a good helping of the romance along the way. I loved it.

Overall, this was a wonderful read. I especially enjoyed all of the twists and turns in the story that kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly wondering what was going to happen next. This isn't a YA read, but it is a story that Chick Lit fans will thoroughly enjoy.
Rating: ★★★★✩
Source: Little Bird Publicity

Author Information
Blog | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Book Information
Series: Waverly Bryson (Book 2)
Paperback, 288 pages
Published November 8, 2011 by Amazon Encore
ISBN: 161218149X
ISBN13: 9781612181493
Buy The Book
Amazon Encore | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBound
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