Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2011

Books Read
(Total = 16)

Books Reviewed
(Total = 8)

Featured Authors
(Total = 4)

Before & After Feature
Author Interview

Featured Guests
(Total = 1)

Guest Post

Books Received
(Total = 8)


If this wrap-up is good for one thing, it's looking on my accomplishments and making note of improvements that I can make. One big thing that I noticed was I read 16 books but only reviewed 8 books, which means I'm not reviewing 50% of what I read in a month. This must change. Having my laptop break (AGAIN) didn't help this, so I'm hoping the review numbers go up in February!


1. Amelia said...

Oh my gosh Missy how did you read all those books in one month? Incredible! I'm so glad January was a good month, and here's a toast to February :D

2. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Oh noes, namesake, I hate it when lappies break. Don't they know how depend we are on them?

You could always do mini reviews.

Still, looks like you had a great month! Happy Reading in Feb.

3. Anonymous said...

Be proud of yourself! 8 reviews is awesome! I am going to go read your review of Choker right now because I saw it the other day at BN and it looked really interesting!

4. Unknown said...

Wow, you're targetting to review your books in the same month that you read them ... I only plan to prepare the drafts only :-)

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