Friday, February 4, 2011

Before & After: Terry Lynn Johnson

Terry Lynn Johnson has a passion for sled dogs. Her own adventures with her team of eighteen Alaskan Huskies have provided her with a rich background to write from.

She's an award winning member of the Outdoor Writers of Canada for her magazine articles. DOGSLED DREAMS is her first novel. Learn more at

Two main emotions:

Stage fright nervous. Like - omg, it's going to be available for ANYONE to read. (Yes, I'm aware this is a lame reaction. What did I think was going to happen?)

Promo frazzled. There is so much to think about and do! I've got a junior musher video contest in the works, blog interviews to set up, dogsled races to send promo packages to, book reading requests are coming in, as are school visit requests. And I've got a publicist that does most of the work! I had no idea promo would take this much time! The advice I've heard from published authors is "writing your next book is more important than promoting your last one." I was glad to hear this, and expected I would just happily ignore my new release. But, how can I not do everything I can to help its success? If I look back on it, I want to make sure I know I did the best I could.

So, I'm realizing that getting cranked and nervous about the whole thing was a slight waste of energy. The book came out. People are buying it (soooo thankful for those people). My family thinks I rock, (but not enough to get out of doing chores around the house) and all the stress and worry melted away as soon as I saw my book on a bookshelf. Such an amazing feeling! Now I have to concede that it's out there alone in the wild. Readers are keeping it alive. I feel so blessed when bloggers take the time to write a review! Or when I get an email from a young reader. That just makes my whole day!

Now, on to the second book!

Praise & Reviews for DOGSLED DREAMS

A captivating and exciting debut novel -- Superior Outdoors Magazine

...demonstrates the bond between mushers and their dogs, the devotion mushers feel for their dogs, and the lengths to which they will go to ensure their dog's well-being -- Pam Flowers, author of Alone Across the Arctic

Any teacher using Gary Paulsen's Woodsong would want Terry Johnson's Dogsled Dreams as a part of their classroom library -- Iditarod Education Department

Book Dads
Book Dreaming

Mother Daughter Book Club



Buy The Book:
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Book Depository


1. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Dogsled Dreams sounds brilliant...I went around and checked out the premise, and truly, it sounds great! Nice feature, Missy! :)

2. Unknown said...

Thank you for the post Missy! I have been wanting to read this for a while now, and will definitely pick up a copy as soon as I get the chance! Thank you for sharing!

3. Lexie@BookBug said...

My sister has two huskies so I can kinda relate to the author's love of dogs. I love that this book is an outdoor adventure book. There are not nearly enough of those!

4. Teril said...

I love the idea of this book. it sounds amazing, I know my daughters would love to read it also.

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