Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday: Special Edition

The Thirteenth Chime
by Emma Michaels
Bokheim Publishing
[Released on] August 13, 2010

No one knew of its existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.

In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives.

The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey into the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.

With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared into the sea, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago.

Hatred never dies.

I was going to wait to post this next week, since I already had a Waiting on Wednesday choice picked out for this week. However, for some reason, I'm extremely anxious about this book ... so I had to post it. The author, Emma Michaels, actually contacted me via my blog about a week ago to tell me about her novel (this one) being published. Talk about exciting ... I was excited for her! Unfortunately I was out of town and couldn't do much ... but now, I'm at home. This is just one post that I am doing, and you'll see more in the future because I do plan on promoting this book a lot!

Back to the book ... I'm truly excited about it. Not only is the cover AMAZING (look closely at the eye!), but it's a storyline that I haven't heard of much at all. Originality = major points! I could go on, but I'd like to save a little for other posts.

Check out Emma's blog HERE!


1. Cindy said...

i just made your 100th follower!

2. Jan von Harz said...

Definitely a popular WoW this week. Can't wait to red it.

3. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

The Cover Art is amazing! I can't wait to read this book! I'm so intrigued!

4. Emma Michaels said...

Yeay! I am so happy to have been featured on your Waiting on Wednesday! Thank you so much!!!!

5. Jenny Q said...

The cover is gorgeous! I've been seeing teasers for this book all over the place. I hope it lives up to the hype. Thanks for hopping by Let Them Read Books today!

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