Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oooh, it's Blog Hop Time!

This is a weekly event hosted by Jen at Crazy For Books. It's a chance to discover new blogs and to garner new readers for your blog as well.
Justify Full
This Week's Question ...
Tell us about some of your favorite authors and why they are your favorites!

We'll start with the beginning... Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales were most definitely my first obsession with reading, and I have these masters to thank. Anne Rice soon took over when I got older and began my vampire obsession. Stephen King was around the same time and he got me into horror. Oh, how I love some King! Following with the horror theme, I soon found HP Lovecraft who I immediately fell in love with. He's so macabre! I'd be hurting only myself if I didn't include Edgar Allan Poe - he's truly one of a kind and his work amazes me, even to this day. If you want a more recent author, it is hands down Gena Showalter - her writing is amazing and has inspired me to get back into writing, though not exactly romance. ;)

Ready to join in on the Hop? Click here to share your link to your blog!

New here from the blogger? Feel free to leave a comment and I'll be sure to follow you back!


It's Week FOUR of Follow My Book Blog Friday, hosted by Parajunkee's View. Want to get more people to follow your blog? Want to find awesome fellow bloggers? Be sure to head over to Parajunkee's post to check out a Featured Blogger, as well as the blog hop!

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
  2. Follow our Featured Bloggers -
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!


1. BrendaC said...

Just hopped in to say hi. Love your blog and am now a follower.

2. Christina said...

Stopping by from the Hop!

I adore Stephen King as well. Misery is amazing.


3. VampAngel said...

Hi! I'm visiting because of the hop! Great place. I'm a follower!

I'll be hanging around a bit!

VampAngel's Dilemma: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question

4. Julie@My5monkeys said...

love you blog and stopping by from the hop

5. Christine said...


I´m stopping by from the blogger hop!

You´ve got such an amazing blog, I really love your design!
It also seems we have quite the same reading habits. :)) There can NEVER be too many books on a TBP pile, right?

Also, Gena Showalter rocks. :)

Have a great weekend!


6. Badass Bookie said...

Hi there! *waves* stopping over via hop! Lovely blog you got here! Sure to stop over some other time too ;)

Take Care,
Lisa (Badass Bookie)xx

7. Unknown said...

Thanks for hopping by my blog! I LOVE Stephen King!! I grew up reading him! I am a new follower!

8. Tanya said...

Hi! I'm stopping by via Follow Friday and am now your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

Among The Muses

9. Michelle Greathouse said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I followed you back. :)

Have a great weekend.


10. Marcie said...

I just came over from the hop and I am your newest follower. I wanted to let you know I am having a Radiant Shadows giveaway on my blog. Stop by if you can. Have a great weekend.

11. DJ D. said...

Hey! Thanks for hopping by my blog and can I just say that I love yours? I can't wait to read more of it! :-)

12. Book Soulmates said...


Found you on Parajunkee's Follow Friday :) You have a great blog! Love the colors!

Stop by our blog and hang out with us sometime :)

Have a superb weekend!
Book ♥ Soulmates

13. Unknown said...

Hopping by to follow and return the visit. :-)


14. ParaJunkee said...

Thank you so much for participating in the Blog Hop! Have a wonderful weekend. ♥ Parajunkee

15. Kim said...

Thanks for visiting and following my blog:-) I'm a new follower here at your blog now. I love Stephen King as well...have been reading him since Jr. High. My all time favorite is The Girl Who loved Tom Gordon. Funny thing is, I hesitated reading that one in the first

16. jeanette8042 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog through the blog hop. I'm now a new follower, happy weekend!

17. Ava said...

Hey! Found your blog through the hop. I'm a new follower :)
Stop by my blog too if you have time...

Have a great weekend!

18. Unknown said...

Stopping by from the hop. Have a great weekend!

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