Wednesday, July 7, 2010

3.. 2.. 1.. The Countdown Is On!

This is a reminder to tell you guys that my giveaway for one of Gena Showalter's books is ending on Saturday, July 10th at midnight EST. Now, I've only just realized that I actually won't be home until Sunday... so, I won't be able to tell if anyone has entered after midnight. *HINT HINT* Thanks to you guys and all the extra promotional things you guys are doing ... I have a TON of entries to go through. However, it's worth it!

So, if you haven't... GO ENTER! There's still time and the best part is you get a FREE BOOK!

[Contest is now officially closed! Thanks guys!!]


1. Rachel said...

Just stopping by via the hop to say hello! Great blog you have here :)

And the plot thickens...

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