It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event - hosted by the wonderful Sheila - to share what we are reading this week, as well as what we read the previous week. Feel free to share in on the fun, or just click on the link to see what others are reading!
How's my reading going?
Reading is still taking back burner to some more pressing issues, like the complete re-organization of my entire house.
What did I finish last week?
Poison Study, by Maria V Snyder - It was a great read and I'm glad I made the time for it.
What do I plan reading this week?
Stolen, by Lucy Christopher - It's been on my TBR shelf for quite some time. I'm excited to read it, though it may take some time to read with all the stuff going on around here!
What did I finish last week?
Poison Study, by Maria V Snyder - It was a great read and I'm glad I made the time for it.
What do I plan reading this week?
Stolen, by Lucy Christopher - It's been on my TBR shelf for quite some time. I'm excited to read it, though it may take some time to read with all the stuff going on around here!
How's your reading going??

Musing Mondays is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading. This week's musing is ...
Do you review books? If so, for who?
If not, have you ever thought about doing so? Why, or why not?
I do review books, obviously. It started as just something as easy as word of mouth. I would practically review every book for my friend and got so excited about particular books that I would blab to my husband - who didn't appreciate it as much as my friend. So, instead of annoying him anymore, I started this blog. My reviews are personal opinions and the blog is a way to shamelessly promote books that I love and other blogs that I read and get more recommendations. On occasion, I do get books from authors and publishers - so I do it for them as well. I also some times post my reviews on Goodreads and other sites, but I don't keep up with them as religiously as this blog. I wish I could, but I honestly cannot afford to spend that much time on a hobby right now.
I know what you mean. I need to get other things done with the house too. But... but... I have reading to do! Isn't that a priority? ;) Thanks for the follow. I'm following now too!
POISON STUDY! I LOVE Maria V. Snyder's work! I own all of her books and love all of them.
I've read some great things about STOLEN so I can't wait to see what you think of it. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D <--totally goofy grin. XD
I have Poison Study on my TBR pile. Have fun reorganizing your house...feel free to come do mine next :)
I enjoyed Stolen, although found it quite slow going, but I hope you like it too. And Poison Study I loved!
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