This Week's Question ...
Who is your favorite new-to-you author so far this year?
Oooh, I have three! Anastasia Hopcus, Jackson Pearce, and Jeri Smith-Ready. All three have fabulous books out, their writing is amazing, and they're all super sweet.
Two other easy-to-talk-to and super sweet authors are Emma Michaels and Sophie Littlefield. I'm looking forward to reading both of their books coming out!

1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list.
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers.
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can.
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
Namesake! How was your trip! Hopcus is a great choice! Loved SH!
Hope you enjoy your weekend with some good reading!
The Unread Reader
I love love love Plaid so I am in love with your background. New follower via FF
Thanks for hosting again!! Have you read The Lords of the Underworld series?? Should I?
Just Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
I´m hopping by from the blog hop! I´m already a follower but wanted to say hi! :)
Yay for Jeri Smith Ready!!! I loved Wicked Game!
Have a great weekend!
xoxo, Christine
Hopping over to say hello! Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm a new follower here. I look forward to reading your reviews and posts.
Happy Friday!
That's What I'm Talking About
I'm already a follower! Just stopping by to say hi and Happy Friday!
Hi!!! I'm a new follower, just found you through the blog hop!!!! Happy Friday!!! Totally loving the plaid ;)
Hi, just blog hopping by! Happy Friday!
Hi, just returning your hop! I liked Jackson Pearce's As You Wish, and have heard good things about Sisters Red - seems like a promising new author!
Thanks for following me! Returning the favour, love your blog. Have a great weekend! :)
Hopcus is a phenomenal choice! I cannot wait to read Shadow Hills by her! Have a wonderful weekend! I'm a new follower :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is great! I just read Shadow Hills and loved it, but I haven't read books by the other two authors yet. I follow now!
Nice choices!
I really wanna read all 3 of those authors, I've heard great things all around.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you now too. I just read Jackson Pearce's book Sisters Red and loved it and I have Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready checked out from the library! I'll have to read it soon!
Thanks for following me. I am hopping by to follow you back. I love this whole Follow friday thing. We all just get together an agree to stalk eachother :) I love it!!! lol I love your blog! I read Shade a while back an still have not posted a review of it. You may have just lit a fire under me to get mine posted. Have a great weekend!
Sorry I'm back so soon namesake. I'm just showing off my stalker tendencies and grabbing your button!
Have another great weekend away!
Hi there,
I'm horribly behind! I'm stopping by from last week's Hop...and this week as well.
Can't wait to explore your blog some more.
You do such an amazing job with visiting and leaving nice comments on the blogs that participate in the hop :)
Wishing you a wonderful and fantastic weekend :)
Thanks for hopping over to my blog, I am hopping back.
I'm already a follower.
Have a great weekend. x
Hey hey! Stopping in from the hop/follower friday. I could have sworn I already came by here but it looks like I haven't. It is going to be a LONG day today. Have a great weekend!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Great job! I love the layout of your blog. I'm a new follower! Thanks for following us too!
The Paperback Princesses (www.allaboutyabooks.blogspot.com)
Very nice selection of authors! Love your blog design.
Hey! Thanks for stopping by earlier and following. I absolutely love your blog layout, it's great! I'm about to become your newest follower.
Have a great weekend!
from Une Parole
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Now following back...
Just hopping by to say thanks for visiting my blog! I'm following yours now! :D
Hi there, you stopped by my blog last week and I was in Vegas just wanted to say hi and I'm a new follower :)
Tomes Devotee
Hey Missy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! =D
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello! Thanks for stopping by at my blog - I'm following you now too :)
Hi Missy,
Thanks for dropping by my blog! You've got a great one here. I'm now off to explore. I'm now a follower, by the way. Have a great weekend!
The Romance Reviews
Thanks for stopping by yesterday! Have a great weekend!
I'm a new follower.
Thanks for stopping by my blog (The Crescive Library). You've suggested some great authors!
I'm following you now too :)
Have a great weekend, Katie
Great choices. I just started Sisters Red by Jackson and am quite intrigued.
Alison Can Read
Thanks for dropping in to say Hello! I hope your enjoying your weekend with some reading time! :)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't read any books by those authors but I really want to!
Thanks for stopping by the Hop! Hope you had a great weekend. :-D
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