This Week's Question ...
Technically, I'm not reading anything as I'm preparing to visit my parents this weekend. However, I did just finish Poison Study by Maria V Snyder. It's a fantasy book about a girl who is given the opportunity to have a second chance at life after being sentenced to death for killing General Brazell's son. Her new life? Being the Commander's food taster. Not the most fabulous job around, but Yelena is happy to have avoided the noose - but not everyone is as happy about her new-found freedom.

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4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
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Happy Hop day, Missy! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Poison Study! It's a great series - though some of it could definitely use more Valek. :) Have a wonderful weekend w/your parents!
Thanks for stopping by! Apparently I wasn't following you, I am now!
Hopping by! Have fun with your folks!
Teens Read & Write
I am a new follower :) Found you through Follow Friday.
Following you back.
The premise of Poison Study sounds interesting. A very dangerous job.
Hey you, just following back. Have a great weekend. See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
Hi, Missy!
Just hopping by! I'm already a follower of your blog.
Musings of a Reader Happy
I'm following you from follow Friday. Thanks for following me too!
Hoppin' by ...thanks for following me and now I'm following you. Like the plaid look. --Enjoy your get-away!
Jinky @booksthattugtheheart.blogspot.com
Hi. Happy Follow Friday!
I hope you have a wonderful visit and great weekend!!! :)
Confessions of a Bookaholic
Thanks for the follow. I am now following you and will add you to my blog feed on my site A Chick Who Reads
Thank you so much for stopping by and for the follow! :)
My namesake!!!! I love that we also seem to love the same colors! We are so cool!
Thanks for visiting me! Have a great trip! And hurry back to us!
The Unread Reader
Thanks for becoming a follower, just stopped over to return the favor :)
Hi!! Have a great weekend!! Love your header, by the way!! And the arrow navigation at the bottom :)
Hey Missy!
Have gun with the folks and Thanks for stopping by my blog =)
Have a wonderful weekend and week!
Hey, thanks for hopping over to my blog www.susankmann.co.uk. I am now hopping back and following. Have a great weekend. xx
A happy follower here stopping in to say Have a happy weekend. Shari over at myneuroticbookaffair.blogspot.com
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog!!! Your blog looks great, definitely following!!
Hi Missie!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting!
I hope you have a great weekend!
Hey sweetie. Thanks for stopping by and following. Love your blog. See you later. Keep it shiny!
Thank you for visiting my blog! Poison Study is one of my favourites- I'm off to read your review of it now. Have a nice weekend :)
Thanks for stopping by. I just became a follower. Have a great weekend!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Stopping by on Follow Friday...I'm already a follower too:-) Poison Study sound interesting. I just bought The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. Sounded different.
Have a great weekend:-)
First thought! wow the colors are amazing love the plaid! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm now a follower here :) Have a great time away...
Visiting back and enjoying your page.
Thanks for stopping by Mindful Musings! I can't wait to see what you thought of Poison Study! I really want to read it, but haven't gotten a chance yet! I'm a new follower. :D
Hi-Just hopping by.I love discovering blogs on friday follow. Looking forward to following.!
Hi, just stopping by on the blog hop & following you now! Looks like you've got an awesome blog here. Poison Study's on my favorites shelf :)
Stopping by from Follow Friday, thanks for being a follower and I'm excited to read your posts!
What Book is That?
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Love your layout!
Now a happy follower :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm a new follower :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back! =)
So glad you stopped by my blog through the hop here. :) I am a new follower of yours as well. :) Have a great week!
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