As you know, the primary reason for me to start this blog was to talk about books and give my reviews of them. I think I can safely say that it's expanded to a little more than that. Promotions - especially when it comes to book-related things. I promote books a lot because that is my number one love. I should also promote other things that help with books. What more is there to books? Well, how about lighting? And where do you put the books? There are bookcases, shelves .. maybe even on a table? You need a light to read. Do you take books with you when your leave your home? What do you carry them in? And where do you read your books when you ARE at home: a comfy chair, a bed, a place on the floor ... maybe a hammock outside? Things like this should also be promoted and reviewed.

I thought about all of this when Sean from CSN Stores contacted me and asked if I would like to do a review for them. Looking over their site, I'm a little overwhelmed by all of the things that they provide, as well as free shipping on most of their items. So, I'm happy to say that I will be reviewing a product for them and I will have a post up as soon as possible. Until then, why don't you check out all that CSN has to offer you?
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