So, here's the deal! I am going to be giving some of my followers gifts to celebrate my 27th birthday! Since I'm a girl that likes to mess around with numbers, I'll be deciding with three main sets of numbers: 10 (my birth month), 25 (the actual date of my birth), and 27 (my age this year).
What are the numbers about and what can you win, you ask? Let me tell you!
- As part of the entry form, entrants will list their top 10 books on their wish list.
- When the contest ends, I will randomly pick a number between 2 and 5. Whatever number is picked is how many winners there will be! This way, there will be at least TWO winners.
- There will be one (1) grand prize winner. After the grand prize winner is chosen, I will randomly pick a number between 2 and 7. The number picked is how many books the winner will receive. To add a sort of element of surprise, I will be choosing which books the winner will receive off of their wish list.
- The other winner(s) chosen will receive gifts selected by me. Prizes will range from $10-$25 in monetary value. These gifts may not necessarily be books, either. It's up to my choosing ... whatever I decide that I want to buy for you. Be sure to give me some good, specific ideas in the "Gifts Other Than Books" section on the entry form!
Now for the nitty, gritty details:
1. In order to be entered into the contest, you MUST fill out ALL of the required fields completely.
2. You also MUST be a follower of this blog in order to enter. I do check!
3. All numbers will be chosen randomly via random.org
4. This contest is INTERNATIONAL!
5. Book prizes will be shipped from Book Depository.
6. This contest ends at 11:59pm on Saturday, October
* OPTIONAL: You can post this contest on your blog (post, sidebar link), Twitter, or other places for extra entries. It's not mandatory, but it does increase your chances of winning!
Good luck, guys!!
Thank you all so much for entering!
Winners will be selected and notified soon.
What a fun giveaway! I'll have to fill out the form after I give it some thought!
This was HARD! Narrowing it down to 10? :D
Awesome. My birthday is 10/27, just two days away. I have no idea what books to choose, but I'm definitely going to enter. If I win, it'll be like a birthday present. =)
WOW! HOW FUN! Thank you for including us in your birthday celebration! :D
Ok, I got it done. I had to think about a top ten for awhile! By the way, Happy Birthday! Mine is thursday!
Thanks for the amazing celebration and Happy Birthday!
Early happy bday! Thanks for being so generous =)
Sounds like an awesome giveaway -- happy birthday!
Awesome giveway, I also just had a birthday and I am 27 too!!! Happy Birthday to you!
This is a wonderful idea for a contest. :) I love it! And hope you have a wonderful time leading up to your Bday, and a wonderful Bday when it comes. :) Don't worry about the numbers.
Very creative! I love it. :) Thanks for the fabulous giveaway.
Happy soon-to-be 27, Missy. I love your contest and I love the fact that you're celebrating a month out. Gotta love a woman who knows how to party!
WOW!!! I am speechless:D
Woah, all those numbers makes me feel overwhelmed when I read them O_O Such a fabulous giveaway you have here! And advanced happy birthday! you sure know how to celebrate! XD
Happy almost birthday, Missy! Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway!
Awesomest giveaway ever Namesake! Thank You! I love a girl who like to celebrate her b-day with a bang!
hope you have a great birthday! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :D Fingers crossed!!!
Giada M.
Thank you so much for this great giveaway!!!
wow, thank you! happy a great birthday! :D
Happy Birthday Missy!!!!!
Happy Birthday! Such a fun contest. : )
Happy Birthday Missy! Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Happy Birthday to you! =)
Thanks Missy and happy birthday. Wishing you many, many more!
Happy B-Day, girl! :)
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the great giveaway!
What a crazy-fantastic giveaway! happy b-day to you!!:D
that's a crazy giveaway! i love how you're intending to use the numbers, so original.
thanks for celebrating your birthday with your readers (even the international ones)8D
i wish you an early happy B-Day!
thank you so much, and happy early birthday!! :)
Happy Birthday Missy!!
Thanks for the Great Contests!!!
Thanks so much for this giveaway! :)
Happy Bday!!!
sUpEr GrEaT gIvEaWaY
Happy Birthday great giveaway thank you so much!
This is awesome! happy birthday! :D
I wish you a very happy birthday!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Lucy73/status/27959222191
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