What's New?
As some of you may have seen, I have decided to throw a contest for my birthday. It just seemed with everything so slow around here, I owed you guys a little something for being faithful to me. So, enter my contest! Be sure to include your top ten books on your wish list. On October 18th, I'll choose 2-5 winners - the grand prize winner receiving 2-7 books from their wish list. So, be sure to fill out the form and celebrate my upcoming 27th birthday with me!
Books I've Read...
Back to the Homeplace, by William Smith - It wasn't YA, but it was a review request from the author. Honestly, it was awesome. You'll see the review this weekend.
Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer - This is part of my epic re-read that will be going on throughout the year. I also read some of it to my mom - who's never read the books, but has watched the movie so much my disc now has skips!
Books I'm Reading...
Mozan and The Return of Magic, by Stephan Davied - I won it, so I'm reading it for a review. It looks pretty interesting, though the big names are confusing!
Dracula in Love, by Karen Essex - I cannot WAIT to get to this book. Dracula = Love.
Blog Plans?
It's going to be back to your regularly scheduled posts this week, along with a lot more reviews. I'll also be busy with scheduling a lot of posts for these upcoming weeks, as I'll be out of town a lot painting my godfather's house for him.
FELLOW BLOGGERS! If you'd like to guest post on here (anything relative, or a promo post for your blog), please e-mail me and let me know! I'd love to start having more guest bloggers on here to spice things up a little!
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