Monday, February 6, 2012

More Blog Tours!

I have two new blog tours coming up that I will be hosting, and would love to have some of my fellow bloggers be part of the tour. To make things a little simpler, I thought I would just post the book cover, synopsis, some links and then the link to sign up for the tour. If you're interested, please feel free to sign up for either or both!

Boy watching with her best friend would be enough excitement for fifteen year old Casey Donavan. She doesn't even mind life at the bottom of the Cambridge High social ladder, if only she didn’t have this other much bigger problem. Unscheduled trips to the nineteenth century!

When Casey gets talked into going to the Fall Dance, the unthinkable happens--she accidentally takes Nate Mackenzie, the cutest boy in the school, back in time. Protocol pressures her to tell their 1860 hosts that he is her brother and when Casey finds she has a handsome, wealthy (and unwanted) suitor, something changes in Nate. Are those romantic sparks or is it just ‘brotherly’ protectiveness?

When they return to the present things go back to the way they were before: Casey at the bottom of the social totem pole and Nate practically the flag flying from the top. Except this time her heart is broken. Plus, her best friend is mad, her parents are split up, and her little brother gets escorted home by the police. The only thing that could make life worse is if, by some strange twist of fate, she took Nate back to the past again.

Which, of course, she does.
Goodreads Page
Avg Rating:
(New Cover Reveal During Tour)

Tour Starts Mid-March
Review Copies (E-book) Provided
Possible Giveaways

Sign Up Here

Elena Manory is by no means an ordinary teenage girl. Being born with the ability to heal herself from any injury, and with the knowledge that on her eighteenth birthday she will become a Vampire, Elena is aware that she is more than a little different from other girls her age.

It isn't until she meets William Granville, an alluring and impossibly handsome vampire, that she begins to question her destiny and what secrets the Institute of Magical Intervention and her adopted family have witheld-secrets that could change the fates of not only her own life, but of the lives of all the immortals.

As events spiral out of control, William may be the only person Elena can place her trust in. He, and Elena's magical family, must fight to save her, joining forces to defeat a common, deadly foe. For William, it is his chance to save the girl that he has searched eternity to find.
Goodreads Page
Avg Rating: ★½

Tour Start TBD
Review Copies Provided (Limited)

Sign Up Here


1. DT said...

I would love to do both of these but review copies would be needed. Kindle or PDF versions would be perfect!

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