Saturday, January 28, 2012

New This Week

Here are some of this week's Young Adult book releases. To learn more about each book, click on its cover art to be redirected to its page on Young Adult Books Central.

January 24, 2012

This post is brought to you by Missy's Reads & Reviews. It spotlights some of the newly released books in YA - but it is not a comprehensive list to ALL Young Adult releases. To see these books on the date that they are actually published, please be sure to "like" Missy's Reads & Reviews on Facebook.


1. Anonymous said...

I <3 Pink Smog! It's one of the best books Francesca Lia Block has written!

2. Missy said...

I haven't had the opportunity to read it yet, but I've read some of Francesca's other works and really liked them. :)

3. Anonymous said...

I'm definitely curious as to what you think of it.

What are your favorite books by her? Mine are "Wasteland," "Girl Goddess #9" and "The Rose and the Beast."

4. Ari (Reading After Midnight) said...

Oh, so many books, so little time. I have some of these on my to-read list, I hope to get some free time soon :)
Happy midnight reading!

5. Nina said...

2,4 & 6 are on my wishlist. ;)

6. Missy said...

I really like "The Rose and the Beast," definitely a top pick. It's going back a few years, but the first thing I read by her and enjoyed was "The Hanged Man."

7. Missy said...

If you find the secret to acquiring free time, please let me know! ;)

8. Missy said...

Same here, and include 8. :)

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