I feel anxious, nervous. People are starting to talk about advance review copies, and the response has been pretty good. I want everyone to love it, but I know that's just not possible.

I'm a little overwhelmed. The response to The Girl in the Steel Corset has been amazing! Yes, there have been people who don't like it, but a lot of those people just don't seem to get the genre -- and most have admitted as much. I'm surprised by the amount of people who have no problem with automatons and 'powers' but are upset that Finley wears pants -- or that Emily has dreads. Still, I've been getting some wonderful emails and Tweets about it. I couldn't be happier!
Reviews for The Girl In The Steel Corset
Books With Bite
Candace's Book Blog
Shell's Stories
I loved this book!
I really want to read this book. Not only is the cover amazing, but the premise sounds wonderful. I cannot wait to buy a copy of this book. ;)
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