Sunday, May 1, 2011

In My Mailbox

Hosted By: The Story Siren
Inspired By: Pop Culture Junkie

I've been very negligent the past few weeks, so I thought that I would catch you up on my review requests and winnings. *I actually have a lot of purchases as well (thanks to buying a Kindle - it's addictive!), but since this post is so large already... I will make a separate post for those next week, along with any other books I may get or may have forgotten about on this post!

Also, don't forget that if you'd like more information on any of these books then all you have to do is click the pics!

For Review:

My Requests:

Portland Book Review:

Sacramento Book Review:

Book {Blog} Tours:

My Purchases*:



1. Unknown said...

I really want Forgotten but ironically I keep forgetting to add it to my wishlist...

Happy Reading!

2. Unknown said...

Those all look great! I've been very, very curious about What Alice Forgot. Hope you enjoy it and all your other new reads.

Ahh Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side is GREAT!

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