Friday, February 18, 2011

Before & After: Eilis O'Neal

Eilis is a writer of fantasy and the Managing Editor of the literary magazine Nimrod International Journal. She started writing at the age of three (though the story was only four sentences long). Her short fantasy has been published in various print and online journals, and you can find links to some of her stories here. Eilis was born, raised in, and currently lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Learn more at

With just a few days left before The False Princess comes out, I feel like I'm inside a tornado. Different feelings keep swirling past--anticipation, terror, happiness, stress. Sometimes I'll feel one way for half the day, and then spend the next half feeling something else entirely. Mostly, though, I'm feeling excited. In just a few days, I'll be able to share my book with readers and, hopefully, they'll like it. It might make someone feel the way that certain books made me feel as a teen--understood, seen, changed. That's what I'm hoping, anyway.

The False Princess is out. My first book--the thing I've been waiting for since I was twelve years old--is out. And I feel good--really, really good. I love the characters in the book so much, and I'm so glad that they're out in the world, where other people can meet them. In some ways, I feel like they're my kids and I'm waving them off to school for the first time. A little nervous for them, but also really glad they're getting out of the house!

Reviews of The False Princess
The Book Scout
Page Turners Blog
The Book Pixie


1. Edil said...

I heard The False Princess is good. I like historical romance. This is actually included on my to read list.

2. Lexie@BookBug said...

I cannot wait to read this book! I love any book that has to do with princesses!

3. Syki said...

I think this cover look gorgeous and I can not wait to read this book!

4. nfmgirl said...

Awesome! A little reminiscent of the Man in the Iron Mask, I guess? Very cool!

5. Teril said...

Congrats on this debut release. I have heard great things on this book, and I added it on my TBR list. Thanx for coming on and sharing with us.

6. Giada M. said...

I love the cover of this book and can't wait to get my hands on it. :)

7. Jennifer said...

I love reading about debut authors. So exciting!

8. RivkaBelle said...

LOVE this cover! i've heard many good things about this one! love that even though short works are published, you still get 'antsy' having a book come out - makes everyone seem more human :o)

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