Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Layout!

So, being home sick is not good for me. I'm too dizzy-headed to read and I don't feel like just sitting around watching TV all the time. I started messing around with my blog layout, and I didn't stop until I had a completely new layout. I don't know how long it will last ... but, this is what I came up with. There are still some bugs I need to work out. However, the DayQuil is really working on me now so this is about all that I'm going to get out of me today. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Also, I made a button that I'll post below with the code so you can exchange it for my old one if you'd like.

Missy's Reads & Reviews


1. Unknown said...

I love your new blog design - very, very nice! Wish I could figure it out for my own blog :)

2. Stephanie (Books Are A Girl's Best Friend) said...

I love your new design- the mixture of pink and grey is so cute and pretty! You must be very good at design. I hope you are better soon :)

3. Jessi E. said...

This is a truly beautiful design! Very cute and professional at the same time!

4. Smash Attack Ash said...

So pretty! Love the grays. :)

5. Anonymous said...

Looks great. Good job.

6. Aylee said...

I absolutely adored your last one but I love this one, too!

7. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

OMG Namesake! I love it! It is so you! Perfect.

8. Anonymous said...

Very cute. Love the new header!

9. The Mistress of the Dark said...

Awww its adorable! I just got a new layout before Christmas :)

10. Maidenveil said...

loving your new blog design. :D

11. Julie said...

I like this ... it's somehow serene :)

12. Yiota said...

Great new look!

13. Savannah said...

Great new layout! SWEET!

14. Katie said...

It's so lovely! One of my fave layouts, so good job!!! (especially because you're sick!)

feel better soon!

15. Mina Burrows said...

Love. Love. Love the new layout! Great job!

16. Dominic said...
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Blog Design by Missy using images from the Bedtime Stories kit by Kotozebra Designs