First off... it's going to be one of THOSE Mondays. I just found out that one of my packages to a contest winner was lost in the mail - so, I'm going to have to find a way to replace that. This would be a good time to note that if you have been a winner of one of my past contests and have not received your prize by now, PLEASE let me know. I'll do whatever I can in my power to make it up to you!
Last Week...
Cryer's Cross, by Lisa McMann
Darkness Becomes Her, by Kelly Keaton
Haven, by Kristi Cook
Slice of Cherry, by Dia Reeves
The Liar Society, by Lisa & Laure Roecker
Cryer's Cross
This Week...
Divergent, by Veronica Roth
The Girl Who Became A Beatle, by Greg Taylor
Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric History, by Allan Richard Shickman
Zan-Gah and The Beautiful Country, by Allan Richard Shickman
Wake Unto Me, by Lisa Cach
XVI, by Julia Karr
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