New feature, peoples! I was trying to figure out something to do on occasion to make a post more personal, yet still book-related in some way. My brainchild would be this: Thoughts On Thursday. Each Thursday, I'll select a topic and write out a post with my two cents on said topic. If you would like, you can join in as well by either commenting or making your own post and letting me know about it so I can read it.
I have a few topics already gathered from my book review journal (yes, I am that big of a book nerd) and various places, but I don't have as many as I'd like. So if you could take a moment out of your time, I'd like to know what you guys think. Below is a link to a form where you can enter your own topics. I like keeping these forms because it's easier for me to keep up with, especially with the amount of paperwork that I keep otherwise. Also, if you'd like credit and recognition for your own blog, I added a place where you can put that as well. If you don't want to get credit, just leave it blank.
Thanks so much for your help!!
Edit: If you need help, an example of a topic that I have is: "Do other bloggers' reviews influence you to add more books to your TBR list?" or "What's your blogging schedule like?"
I wish I could help, but I'm a blank slate today! All I hear in my brain is the sound of crickets! I'll try to keep thinking though :)
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