Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

In this crazy holiday season, we should try to remember what's really important: friends and family that have been there for us over the years. I don't think that there's a better present than that. I know that I'm feeling extremely lucky this year for all of the loved ones that I have been gifted with - and I'm including all of you as well. There's not enough words to express my gratitude for you all in supporting this little blog of mine.

Let's also keep in mind those that aren't lucky enough to get to spend the holidays with their families. If you pray, maybe send a little prayer that way. If you don't, then you can always do like my non-Christian friends and send good vibes. Either way, keep them in your thoughts as you're spending time with the ones you love. And if you see someone that looks like they're having a less than spectacular holiday, then take the time to offer them a smile and a "Merry Christmas." You never know what something as simple as that can do for people during this stressful time.

I'll be pretty scarce for the next week, but I'll be back in full-force very soon. Until then, enjoy the holidays ... and be safe!

Much love.


1. Aylee said...

What a wonderful message. I agree. Happy Christmas!

2. Jan von Harz said...

Lovely message! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

3. Smash Attack Ash said...

Thank you for the beautiful message. Merry Christmas! May your day be full of food, laughter, love and goodies.

4. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Merry Christmas, Missy! I hope it's wonderful :)

5. Unknown said...

aww and we are very lucky to have you! Merry Christmas Missy!

6. BLHmistress said...

I agree whole heartedly , Merry Christmas to you and your family.

7. Carrie K. said...

Missy- I hope you had a fantastic Christmas day and continue with a blessed New Year. :)

8. Mina Burrows said...

Great post, Missy. Hope you had a great Xmas and cheers to an especially fantastic New Year!

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