Monday, November 15, 2010

Review: The Fledgling Handbook, by PC Cast

The Fledgling Handbook (House of Night)
P.C. Cast
Paperback, 176 pages
St. Martin's Griffin
October 26, 2o1o
isbn: 0312595123
isbn13: 9780312595128

Merry meet, fledgling. I trust this guide will serve you well…. Every vampyre fledgling who arrives at the House of Night receives a copy of "The Fledgling Handbook 101", and now, fans can have one, too, with this gorgeous must-have edition. Inside you’ll find original stories, the complete vampyre history, inside info into rituals, vamp biology, and the Change, and much more.

Ever since Marked came out, I've wanted to know what Zoey Redbird's Fledgling Handbook looks like. As a matter of fact, anytime I read a book about someone going to a special school and getting their handbooks, I always wonder what they're like. I was a nerd in school, so I liked getting these guides and reading over the rules and regulations of my new school - and I liked it even more when they included the history. So, when I got the chance to read The Fledgling Handbook 1o1, I was over the moon.

Though I have my own issues with some of the characters, I am a fan of the House of Night series. P.C. Cast does not fail me with this guide. With a gorgeous cover, thick pages and beautiful drawings, you'll get lost in the history and mythology behind not only the House of Night, but vampyre folklore as well. I also think the pages where you can add your own notes about your changing vampyre self is a cute little touch and makes it feel like a true school handbook. Over everything, my absolute favorite thing to it all is the vampyre history stories that include places and historical figures that we all know and are familiar with.

I read through the book in less than an hour, then spent more time going through and studying the pictures and footnotes. With less than two hundred pages, it's an extremely easy read. The price seems a little steep for this guide, but it is a welcome addition to anyone's HoN collection.

Source: SFBR


Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. I am more excited to read the Handbook now!

Suzy Turner said...

This book just looks AWESOME!! It's probably one of the most beautiful book covers I've seen. I'm very envious... I wish I had written it myself lol!

Savannah said...

I need to get this! It would be interesting to see what rules and regulations they have. ALso they always refer to it in the books. Even though sometime the series gets on my nervous, I still read it. Nice review :)

Jennifer said...

I like the House Of Night series (loved the series when it first came out). But i did not like the handbook at all. Was very disappointed. There was nothing to it.

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