This Week's Question ...
"How do you spread the word about your blog? (e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
I'll be honest and say I didn't know much about social networking for blog promotion when I first began. When I saw other book blogs, my first thought was just, "Hey, this is cool ... I can start a blog to review the books I've read!" I never thought about followers or promotion at all. Then, I got a few followers (somehow) and that's what got me started thinking about following others and getting more followers as well. So, I can't say for absolute certain, but I'm almost positive the first thing I did was introduce myself on the Book Blogs Ning. After that, it wasn't so much about promotion, but I started commenting on other book blogs that I followed and some were nice enough to check out my blog and follow me back. After, there was the blog hops like Jen's and Parajunkee's. I think that's pretty much all I do. =)
What about you? How do you spread the word about your blog??

1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list.
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers.
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments.
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can.
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
This week's question is ...
I know some people may laugh, but the Twilight Saga (Stephenie Meyer) definitely has its teeth in me ... and my husband! We've both read the series three times each, and each time was enjoyable. I also love the Vampire Academy (Richelle Mead) series. Fallen (Lauren Kate) is another big one, as well as the Evernight series (Claudia Gray). Oh, and Shade (Jeri Smith-Ready)! Love, love that book!! Just recently, I read Arson (Estevan Vega) and I can say it has a hold on me.
There are probably a lot more that I should remember, but those are the main ones.
What books have bitten you???
There are probably a lot more that I should remember, but those are the main ones.
Just hopping by to say hi. Bookend Diaries http://bookenddiaries.blogspot.com
New follower. I'm really digging the atmosphere, dude. :P I comment. A hell of a lot. And I tweet to my blog sometimes. Sometimes I lose a follower as a result. XD I also do Teaser Tuesdays, Waiting on Wednesdays and In My Mailbox. Which are really good for gaining new viewers that way.
I think yours is the only review I've seen of Arson but I have to say it sounds refreshingly different! Dark, too, in a psychological way...I'm adding it to my wishlist!
Stopping by. Thanks every so much for stopping by my blog for tea :)
Mad Scientist
Laboratory Located @
Hello, I'm hopping through from the blog hop and Follow Friday. You've got a great looking blog here. I'm a new follower and I look forward to making my way around your blog.
Happy reading and enjoy your weekend!
The Book Scoop
Just hoppin' on by! <3 Thank you for stopping by and following; I've done the same. <3
I'm pretty much new to book blogger, so I take tips wherever I can get them. I mostly just comment on other peoples' blogs right now and try to make friends out of them (though I don't consider that networking :P).
My hop :3
Happy HOP!! I really believe that in order to be visited you need to go out and visit. I love taking part in the weekly memes and aside from the occasional tweet, that's pretty much all I do. I go by each site on the link and say hello and it's been alot of fun :)
Hope you enjoy your week Come HOP by my blog and visit
Well, for me I just comment on other blogs or join memes like this one.
Happy weekend!
Hi!! New follower here :) The Twilight Saga totally got me hooked, too, at first :D
You can check out my blog here: http://thebooklopedia.blogspot.com/
Coming over from the hop...
...and I agree, I never really thought of it as "publicity" or "promotion" when I started. I just wanted a few people to be reading my blog and wanted to get to know some fellow bloggers.
my blog
Oh! Someone who actually answered the FF question!!! What is up with people not doing that? It's driving me NUTS! I love seeing what books have bitten people, and it annoys me that so many are skipping answering!!!!
As for the Hop question... before this hop I had never even heard of Book Blogs Ning... and now I realize how out of the loop I have been!!!
I'm a member now... but haven't yet had a chance to really go check it out... because I've still been hopping, lol!
Check out my Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!
Thanks for hopping by my blog and following. I'm here to return the favor. I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Hi! Just stopping by and following from the Blog Hop!
Stop by mine if you get a chance.
Hafsah @ IceyBooks
Stopping by the hop to say hi!!
Great post!
Here's mine:
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