Monday, August 2, 2010

Musing Monday

Musing Mondays is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading. This week's musing is ...

What book tops your TBR (to be read) pile right now? Is it something you own, or something you have to borrow, or something you’ll be purchasing? Why do you want to read it so badly?

The book that pops out in my head the most is Banished, by Sophie Littlefield. Ever since I came across it, it's just stuck with me and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of it! It comes out in October, which just so happens to be my favorite month ... mainly because it's my birth month. ;)

Sixteen-year-old Hailey Tarbell can’t wait for the day she’ll leave Gypsum, Missouri, far behind, taking only four-year-old Chub, the developmentally-delayed little boy her cruel drug-dealing grandmother fosters for the state money. But when a freak accident in gym class leaves a girl in critical condition, Hailey feels drawn to lay her hands on the injured girl and an astonishing healing takes place. Before Hailey can understand her new powers, a beautiful stranger shows up…just in time to save her and Chub from hired killers. A desperate race begins, with Hailey as the ultimate prize: there are those who will stop at nothing to harness her gifts to create an undefeatable army of the undead. Now it is up to Hailey and a small but determined family of healers to stand up to the unbelievable and face the unthinkable.

What about you? What book tops your TBR list??


1. Tampa BookWorm said...

That sounds amazing! I will have to check it out!

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