It's July 13. In exactly one month, Emma Michael's debut novel, The Thirteenth Chime, will be released - that's right, folks ... Friday [August] the 13th. I e-mailed Emma to talk about her upcoming release (and more) and she was kind enough to answer some questions for me!

Can you give us a small description of your upcoming book, The Thirteenth Chime?
I can share a little bit about the book. The story is about two people - David and Destiny - who must come to terms with their past relationship in the face of dealing with a trap that has been waiting for many years. It is a story of trials and hardships, and throughout it all, it is the bond between the two main characters that will help them to survive the nightmare of "The Thirteenth Chime".
Here is the trailer teaser:
No one knew of its existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.
In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives.
The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey into the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.
With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared into the sea, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago.
Hatred never dies.
What was the hardest part of writing/publishing this book for you?
The submission process and querying agents. I received over a hundred standard form rejections from agents who didn't even request a partial. When a dear friend pointed out to me that the agents could not possibly be basing their decisions off of my actual writing, I took the plunge and began submitting directly to publishers who would accept unsolicited manuscripts. The responses were overwhelming and very positive! I'm sure that other potential authors out there are encountering the same situations, so please don't give up. I didn't and I made it.
Is there a favorite character for you in the book that isn't necessarily a main character?
Actually, yes I do have one. Her name is Stephanie and she plays a very important role within Destiny's life. Readers of the book will come to know Stephanie's role for if David is the mind and Destiny the heart, is is Stephanie who is the unstoppable spirit.
Are there any specific scenes or parts of the book that you're most excited about people reading?
Many! But I don't think I should give too much away just yet... *wink*
How long have you been blogging about books?
I've been blogging since December 2009. I have always loved reading books and sharing my feelings with others, but it was only then that I decided to share my findings with others on the internet in the hopes it would encourage them to read the books that I was fortunate enough to read and enjoy.
Did blogging about books inspire you to write books, or motivate you more to write books?
Both! It has been such a heartening experience to read the comments that the readers of my blog and of other blogs have left. To hear their feelings and thoughts on what they read encourages me to continue reviewing and to share the stories I am fortunate enough to write, with them. I hope I will bring inspiration and encouragement to others the way they have for me.
Who/What are some of your favorite authors and books?
I love Tamore Pierce novels and any book by Sharon Shinn. They are both wonderful authors that I would recommend for anyone who loves YA books.
Are there any books out there you wish you'd have written?
Just the one(s) I already have written. I'm sure that there is a moment that all potential authors wish they had written, for instance, "Harry Potter" or "The Lord of the Rings", but I prefer to celebrate their triumphs. I hope one day that other authors will celebrate my triumphs with me, especially when I reach my goal of getting first place on the "New York Times Bestseller's List"! (Please help me make it there! We can do it!)
Any advice for others who would like to become an author?
Never give up! I know that it is a long process that can be filled with disappointment, but remember - it is a road that has a beginning and an end. It is up to each of us to decide when we leave the road and if we reach the destination we dream of reaching.
Last words for your fellow bloggers and potential book fans?
Yes, I promise that for all potential readers and fans, I will continue to write for as long as you want me to write! To me, writing is not just a dream I want to fulfill, but it is about reaching out to others with my words just as books that I have read have reached out to me. I want to be a storyteller, to share stories to delight you, bring you to tears, bring you joy, and to encourage you the way you have all encouraged me. Thank you so much!
A huge thanks to Emma for taking the time out to answer the questions. Be sure to check out her blog here and mark your calendars for August 13th, when The Thirteenth Chime will be released!
I'm so looking forward to reading this. Shari over at myneuroticbookaffair.blogspot.com
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