Saturday, January 7, 2012

New This Week!

Here are some of this week's Young Adult book releases. To learn more about each book, click on its cover art to be redirected to its page on Young Adult Books Central.

January 1, 2012

January 2, 2012

January 3, 2012

January 5, 2012

This post is brought to you by Missy's Reads & Reviews. It spotlights some of the newly released books in YA - but it is not a comprehensive list to ALL Young Adult releases. To see these books on the date that they are actually published, please be sure to "like" Missy's Reads & Reviews on Facebook.


1. Savannah said...

AHHH! So many books that I want! I must control the urge to buy books!

2. Racquel (A Book Barbie) said...

SO.MANY.GREAT.RELEASES! where to start?! The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight? Cinder? Bittersweet? Don't Breathe a Word? Fated? what a great way to kick off 2012!

Racquel @The Book Barbies
-thank you&come again.

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