Saturday, November 5, 2011

Angels of the Night Giveaway!

I know I've been absent for a while (yes, I am still playing catch-up because life sometimes has a sick sense of humor) but I wanted to announce something that is pretty cool.

Author Paula Kennedy has contacted me to giveaway an e-copy of her book, Angels of the Night: Discovery, to one lucky reader of this blog! How awesome is that? I feel it is also my duty to tell you that I have had the opportunity to read Angels of the Night (review up next week!) and you will NOT be disappointed.

The rules for this giveaway are as follows:
- You must enter by midnight (EST) on Sunday, November 13th.
- You must be sure to fill out all required fields on the form.
- Since this is an e-copy, this will be INTERNATIONAL.
- Following my blog is not required, but it's nice.
- It would also be super nice for you to show some love to Paula and her book by checking out the Angels of the Night Facebook Fan Page by clicking HERE. (PS: I'll add a +5 to your entry if you like the page.)

Good luck, guys!


1. Christina @ Biblio Thoughts said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I've been wanting to read this book!

2. ArtemisG said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

3. Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

4. Janel Mullins said...

this book sounds great!!!! i def. want to read it

5. Unknown said...

Great giveaway!!!

6. Book Crook Liza said...

Ooh, this sounds amazing! *crossing my fingers* :D

Liza @ Book Crook Liza

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