Saturday, October 29, 2011

New This Week!

New This Week! is a weekly feature in which I showcase some of the titles released in the Young Adult world throughout week. Each picture is linked to its respective Goodreads page, so if a cover appeals to you be sure to click on it to learn more about the book.

Week of: October 23rd - October 29th, 2011

This is a list of the books that come out through the week. This list is NOT in chronological order, but instead alphabetized. To see the books on the date that they are actually published, please be sure to "like" Missy's Reads & Reviews on Facebook.


1. Nina said...

I want all! :)

2. Becca @ Nawanda Files said...

There are so many Vampire Diaries series that I'm starting to get confused. I just started the first one that L.J. Smith wrote in the 90s, but I have a feeling "The Hunters" is not part of the original series. I must investigate... Oh and Crave's cover is so beautiful!

3. Christina said...

Becca, I can help you out with that. L.J. Smith is my favorite author, so I know what you need. The four original books are by L.J. Smith herself. Then she had a huge break from writing for ten years, and came back with "The Vampire Diaries: The Return" these are also written by her. Nightfall, Shadow Souls, and Midnight are all by her. Then she was fired from writing the series (she was doing work for hire so this is legal). The Hunters is not written by her. :)

Anyway, I really came here to say I am reading The Iron Knight right now and I'm loving it!!!

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