Saturday, August 27, 2011

New This Week!

New This Week! is a weekly feature in which I showcase some of the titles released in the Young Adult world throughout week. Each picture is linked to its respective Goodreads page, so if a cover appeals to you be sure to click on it to learn more about the book.

Week of: August 21, 2011 - August 27, 2011


1. said...

I won a copy of "Possess" on GoodReads, so I can't wait for that to get here! And I've already heard great things about Sweetly, so I'm looking forward to that one too! :)

2. May-Day_Aura said...

I'm excited about Sweetly! I ordered my copy and it should arrive next week. Possess is also on my to-read list.

3. SweetMarie83 said...

So many good releases this week! I swear almost all of the blogs I've been to in the last few days, people have gotten a copy of Bloodlines...seems everyone has it but me! lol

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