Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Update!

While not having internet this weekend, I contemplated things I could do to put more information on this blog about authors and their books. I know I have the Before & After feature, but that only covers 2011 debut authors. So, I've decided that I'm going to start doing author profiles! It won't be anything complex - just a post for each author with a pic, bio, books by them and some links. I don't know how many I'm going to do and they'll be no rhyme or reason to who I pick and why, but I'm going to try to schedule them to post late at night to save your Google Readers throughout the day. Eventually, I'll have enough to start a master post to keep up with links and work from there. I'm pretty excited about this. =)

Besides daydreaming about my blog (I have it bad), I've also been reading up a storm again. I needed to get on top of some author requests, and I'm happy to report that I finished most of those books. Reviews will be popping up randomly throughout the next week or so.

Books Finished Last Week
American Vampire, by Jennifer Armintrout
Anna And The French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins
Fall For Anything, by Courtney Summers
The Mind Readers, by Lori Brighton
Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric History, by Allan Richard Shickman
Zan-Gah and The Beautiful Country, by Allan Richard Shickman

Books On The List This Week
Awakened, by PC & Kristin Cast
Burned, by PC & Kristin Cast
Right Side Talking, by Bonnie Rozanski
The Amanda Project, by Stella Lennon, Melissa Kantor
... and more, hopefully. These are the ones I have down for sure!


1. Savannah said...

You read a lot of books last week. Your like me in planning what you read ahead of time. Every week I pick out 5 books to read. I glad to see I'm no the only one who plans things.

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