Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

I took a deep breath and tried to convince myself this interview wasn't just a gargantuan mistake. It would've helped if I could have seen the band, but they all had their backs to me. I tried to read their body language, but they were all sitting bolt upright, which either meant (a) they had good posture, or (b) they were petrified.

One minute down, twenty-nine to go.
- Five Flavors of Dumb, by Antony John

"Fran? Do you want to kiss me?"

"Yeah," I answered, then remembered an episode of Ricki Lake that said guys like it when you play hard to get. Something about the thrill of the chase. "I mean, no. Maybe. Er ... what was the question?"
- Confessions of a Vampire's Girlfriend, by Katie MacAlister


1. Kathy Martin said...

I really enjoyed Five Flavors of Dumb. The second book makes me curious about any heroine getting relationship advice from Ricki Lake. I have two teasers this week. My YA teaser is from Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton and my adult teaser is from Love Me to Death by Allison Brennan. Happy reading!

2. kayerj said...

the first sounds like a very intimidating place to find yourself and the second is funny. Nice job. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

3. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

bahahaha I like the silliness of this teaser :)

Great pick this week, Missy!

4. Anonymous said...

Lol, this made me laugh! I'm banking on the prrrobably didn't have good posture ;) Here's my teaser: http://rainysnowday.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/teaser-tuesdays-jan-18/

5. BLHmistress said...

LOL The confessions of a Vampire's girlfriend sounds like a fun read with that teaser, if I was Fran just go with the first answer yes you want him to kiss you lol.

My Teaser Tuesday

6. Unknown said...

Thank you for the amazing teasers!! I am looking forward to reading Confessions of a Vampires Girlfriend really soon! Thank you!

New Follower

Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf

7. A Journey in Reading said...

LOVE the teaser for Confessions of a Vampires Girlfriend! Sounds like a fun read.

Kat @ A Journey in Reading

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