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Today's Question:
Who do you cheer for?
As far as football goes... no one really. Unlike most of my family, I've never been a big football fan. When I was a kid, I used to cheer for the Raiders. Why? Black and silver, baby ... my favorite colors. Now, all I do is cheer for the Panthers to lose because they're a disgrace. Does that count? ;)
Happy Friday Missy! Have a great weekend :)
Hey :) Thanks for stopping/following by my blog, I'm your newest follower!
*sigh...* Same for me, I don't really like watching sports, but if someone asks me, I pick the team with the prettiest colors. lol
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Haha, it sounds like more fun cheering for a team to lose. Maybe I'll do that next time I'm stuck watching a game.
I love that you cheered for a team based on colors! Black and silver are pretty...
I'm your newest follower - absolutely love your layout and design!
Happy Friday, Missy!
I'm like you - not really a fan of football haha I cheer for hockey teams and the Philadelphia Flyers, in particular :)
Stopping by from the follow! I’m a sports fan, but only if the games work around my hectic reading schedule. Also, awesome header design! Have a good weekend!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower! Have a great weekend!
I vote against whoever my husband wants to win. I love being his rival. It makes the game more intense. Especially when he is bugging me when I am trying to write. :)
Hi, I'm stopping by from FF. I love your blog, and I notice we have a lot of books is common. Looking forward to discussing books with you in the future! I'm a new follower =D
Mariya @ Mystifying Paranormal Reviews
I'm your newest follower. And a Rutgers fan!
Very cool design on your blog!
Please visit one of my blogs and consider following:
Hey! I'm a new follower! I cheer for anyone who isn't wearing black and gold! Check me out at www.phaedrashowandtell.blogspot.com
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