Thursday, January 20, 2011

Before & After: Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

Before & After is a new feature on Missy's Reads & Reviews that gets a look inside how a debut author feels before and after their first release. Each post will feature one new 2011 debut author.

Lorraine Zago Rosenthal was born and raised in New York City. She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in education from the University of South Florida. She also earned a master's degree in English, with a concentration in American and British literature, from Northern Kentucky University. In addition to writing fiction, Lorraine enjoys reading, exercising, watching movies, and spending time with her husband. Other Words for Love is her first novel.

The release date for Other Words for Love is quickly approaching! My publication journey started at the beginning of 2008, when I began writing this novel. More than a year later—in April 2009—I was thrilled to be offered a deal by my fabulous publisher, Random House/Delacorte Press. At that time, I was told that Other Words for Love would be published in Spring 2011, and that seemed so far away! Of course, it was far away—and in some ways it felt like an endless wait, but in other ways the time seemed to pass quickly. Now that my January 11, 2011 publication date is right around the corner, I’m very happy and excited to have reached this point! I’m also feeling very grateful and fortunate to have an opportunity to share my novel with readers. This experience is sort of like sending your child out into the world and hoping that everyone will love him/her as much as you do.

On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 -
Other Words for Love was published and released to the public from Delacorte Books.

My release day could not have been more amazing. It was just like Christmas morning! I am so overwhelmed by the phenomenal response I have received from readers and book bloggers who have contacted me about Other Words for Love. It’s really fulfilling to hear that people are connecting with my main character—Ari—and her story. It was also very exciting to walk into Barnes & Noble and see my book on a shelf! As a writer, I spend a lot of time alone with my work. When I was writing this novel, it was just the story and its characters and me. Now it’s out in the world, and it’s incredible to see it there!

A huge thanks to Lorraine for taking time out of her busy schedule to help participate in this new feature!

If you would like to know more about Lorraine, please make sure to check out the links below. Also, don't forget to pick up a copy of her debut novel, Other Words for Love.

Reviews for Other Words for Love
The Story Siren
La Femme Readers
Jess Hearts Books




Buy The Book:
Barnes & Noble
Book Depository


1. brandileigh2003 said...

Awesome feature. Thanks for participating Lorraine!
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

2. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Love this feature (and post), and I'm so looking forward to the release of this book! :D

3. Melissa (Books and Things) said...

What a great feature! Love the look on the inside. Congrats to Lorraine!

4. A Journey in Reading said...

This books sounds great and has now been added to my TBR list. As a teenager in the 80's I'm sure that I can relate to the entire story!

Thanks for doing this feature and following my blog!!

Kat @ A Journey in Reading

5. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Oh, this is a fantastic feature. I can't imagine how exciting it would be to walk into B&N and see your book. So fun!

And I'm always looking for debut author titles. Will have to check this one out.

6. danya said...

Great idea for a feature - it's neat to see a bit of the author's personal reaction to the whole publishing experience! I would love to walk into a bookstore and see my book sitting there on the shelf :D

7. Lexie@BookBug said...

It must be so exciting for authors to see their books in bookstores! I totally want to have that feeling someday!

8. Syki said...

Thank for this feature. I totally love cover of this book!

9. Unknown said...

I love this feature that you came up with!

10. Cass said...

Nice feature! I like hearing authors' thoughts about their journies into publishing their debut. I'm so psyched about OTHER WORDS FOR LOVE. :)

11. jeanette8042 said...

I've seen this book around and it looks like an interesting read.

12. ArtemisG said...

Nice feature! Book sounds great.

13. Jennifer said...

Loved reading this. I love the build-up and then excitement as the book comes out!

14. Aik said...

I'd love to read Other Words for Love!

15. Life's Simple Pleasures said...

great feature! i love the cover too. another one to add to my wishlist!

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