Monday, January 17, 2011

Before & After: An Introduction

It's coming up ... the release date of a novel that you've been waiting for. Your patience is running thin and your adrenaline is through the roof - keeping you on the edge of your seat. Your hand itches with just the mere thought of getting your hands on your most anticipated read yet. ...

You know that feeling, right? We all go through it. It's just part of being a book lover. But have you ever taken a moment and thought, "Well, if I feel this anxious ... I wonder how the author feels?" Taking it one step further: how would a debut author feel, considering it's their very first book that's being released to the public?

Before & After is the answer to that question.

This is a new feature that I've decided to do on the blog after having that very thought one day. I was trying to think of something new that I could do on the blog that would not only promote debut authors, but also let you get to know them a little better. And what better way to get to know them than to get a little insight on how they feel during their debut release!

Beginning within the next week, this feature will be up and running. Because of the authors participating and their actual release dates, it will be sporadic - but it's looking like I'll be posting at least two a week, sometimes more and sometimes less. Soon, I'll be posting a schedule on the side to let you know when the posts will be scheduled, along with the authors that will be participating.


Not only will these posts give you access to authors, their thoughts and more information on them and their debut release ... but there will be giveaways! Some authors have been kind enough to offer swag and other items to give away as part of their post. I've also decided to take it one step further. At the end of each month, I'll be hosting my own giveaways to give you the chance to win one of the books from the featured authors. Extra entries will be offered for comments posted on the Before & After posts for my giveaway.

So be sure to keep checking back for this new feature. It will officially begin this Thursday with Lorraine Zago Rosenthal, author of Other Words for Love!


1. flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

0.0 great minds really must think alike. I'm starting something simular on my blog for debut authors. It won't be starting until next month. I just really wanted to do something to help promote these great 2011 debut authors :)

Good Luck with your new meme Missy! Stop by when i have mine up and running?

2. danya said...

Looking forward to these! Also your new header's really cute :D

3. Amber (Books of Amber) said...

Great idea! I'm really looking forward to this feature. :)

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