Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Dawn Metcalf

Waiting Until...
July 7, 2011

When sixteen-year-old Consuela discovers she can remove her skin, revealing a lustrous mother-of-pearl skeleton, she slips into a parallel world known as the Flow, a place inhabited by archetypal teens with extraordinary abilities. Crafting skins out of anything – air, water, feathers, fire – she is compelled to save ordinary people from dying before their time. Yet now someone is murdering them, one by one, and Consuela finds herself the focus of an intricate plot to end the Flow forever when all she really wants is to get back home, alive.

This book had me at 'hello' with the cover, and the whole concept intrigues me to no end. I know it's a long wait, but I definitely think it will be worth it.


1. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Freaking awesome cover. And wow, a main character with an authentic name like Consuela! I want!!!

Great pick, Namesake.

2. Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I'm with you... I love the cover. :)

3. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I've seen the cover around, but never the premise. I SO want to read this now! Great pick, Missy! that only Melissas and Missie(y)s have commented thus far haha ;)

4. Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

The cover does catch your eye, I love it! And the desciption makes this book sound so interesting and unique.

5. Aylee said...

Yes, the cover definitely draws you in! The description is pretty freaky O_O

6. justpeachy36 said...

The cover is just beautiful, and the story itself is so different. I think it's refreshing and very ambitious. I'm interested to read it and see if it's something I can get into.

7. Anonymous said...

Totally want to read this!

Jess :)

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