Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teaser Tuesday

The Cries of Vampira: The Horror of Gaad Grey, The Evil Alpha Werewolf vol 1, by Sean H. Robertson

Now infuriated, Candace shouts, "I want to be first in your life, Gaad, right now! You said 'my wolves' almost like you're one of them. Are you one of those 'save the animal' humans that actually lives with them in the wild?"

Gaad pauses a few seconds, and then speaks. " I am one of them," Gaad Grey quietly admits.


1. Kathy Martin said...

Nice quote! I love werewolf books and will have to add this one to my wishlist. I have two teasers this week. My YA teaser is from Trickster's Girl by Hilari Bell and my adult teaser is from Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs. Happy reading!

2. Aylee said...

Wow, I've never even heard of this series before. I wonder what kind of name is Gaad, anyway?

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