Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 Guest Posts

2011 is full of new and wonderful possibilities for not only myself, but for this blog as well. As you know, I have some wonderful new features that will be making their debut the upcoming year. I'm extremely excited about this! I don't think it's enough, though. I not only want to feature new books and authors, but I'd also like to get my fellow book bloggers and followers in on the fun as well.

A good percentage of the blogs that I follow came from referrals one way or another, mostly through guests posts and interviews that I read. So, I think this is what I want to do here. I'm taking it one step further and adding guest reviews as well. Exciting, right? Okay, maybe I'm just really excited about it.

There is one very simple rule to being hosted on my blog: you must have your own blog to link back to! The purpose of this is to generate more traffic to your own blog through mine, as well as me just showing off some of my favorite bloggers to my other followers.

To be hosted, please fill out the form below with all of the appropriate information. I will contact you via e-mail as soon as I can and we will figure out a time to schedule your post on here.

Edit: If you don't have a blog, but write well-written reviews on Goodreads and would like more publicity, you may also fill out the form. When filling out the form, just put your Goodreads profile link as your Blog URL.

Thanks, guys!

Fill Out Form Here


1. Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Good call with your guidelines, Missy! Once I've got a handle on all my new posts and stuff, I'll sign up ;)

2. Unknown said...

sounds awesome!!

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