Monday, November 8, 2010

Ganzfield Week!

Welcome to Ganzfield Week here at Missy's Reads & Reviews! Ganzfield is a series by the wonderful author, Kate Kaynak. It follows the story of a girl named Maddie with an extraordinary ability as she goes to live at Ganzfield after a horrific accident in order to control and learn more about her special gifts. The first two books in the series, Minder and Adversary, are both available to purchase with the third, Legacy, scheduled for release January 28th.

I have read both Minder and Adversary, which is why I was so inspired to do this themed week! The purpose is to promote the series, along with the author. Each day (schedule below) will contain at least one post related to Ganzfield. At the end of the week (Friday), I will have an interview with Kate and chance to win a signed copy of Adversary from the author!


[ Monday ]
Minder Review
Ganzfield Intro (this post)

[ Tuesday ]
Teaser Tuesday: Ganzfield Edition

[ Wednesday ]
Waiting on Wednesday: Legacy
Adversary Review

[ Thursday ]
Author Spotlight
A Look at the Books

[ Friday ]
Interview & Giveaway

Since you guys have been so good to me with following and helping me spread the word with my contests, I'll also be adding my own prize to the giveaway! I'll also be counting comments as extra entries, so if you want more chances to win ... be sure to comment!


1. Unknown said...

Thanks for holding a Ganzfield week!

2. Beverly said...

I saw on Disgruntled Bear that you were having a Ganzfield week - had to stop by - new follower - love the Ganzfield books!

3. PinkStuff28 said...

I have not read anything by this author , but the plot sounds fine ..especially with that Girl Maddie who has an extraordinary ability ...

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