In the boring news: I've been working a lot in my hometown, trying to help my parents with their place and working some at my uncle's house - and by working, I mean painting the entire interior of his house. It sounds simple enough but when you only have one person drywalling, mudding, sanding, caulking, painting and cleaning up ... it's a lot more than what you expect. However, it's more money in my pocket, so I'm not complaining.
In the exciting news: I had my birthday/Halloween costume party last weekend and it was amazing! It was a small party, but I figured out that when I'm a host - I like small parties better! I feel like I have to make sure that everyone is comfortable and having a good time, so having less people to spread myself between is soo much easier. My theme this year was Pimps & Hoes. I let my husband decide this year, and I have to say it was a success! I've also figured out that my husband and I have been subconsciously dressing in couple costumes the past few years. Don't believe me? Check this out ...

2010: Pimps & Hoes
We were both pimps.
Since we're both hard-headed, neither one of us wanted to be a hoe!
2009: Vampires
I was Snow White from Neil Gaiman's story, Snow, Glass, Apples.
Nick is a candy kid at heart, so he was a raver vampire.
2008: Your Choice!
I was Sakura from the anime Naruto.
Nick was Naruto.
2007: Favorite Clichés!
I was sexy Hermoine.
Nick was a Trojan soldier, which is sexy all in itself!
I guess the coupling started with Naruto, seeing as how Nick has me obsessed with the show ... so, when he ordered his costume, I decided to do the same. In all reality, my favorite girl on the show is Hinata - but they didn't have her new grown-up outfit at the time of the order. =(
In the other exciting news: I've acquired a nice pile of books for review and also books I've purchased and received for my birthday. I'm going to put those in their own In My Mailbox post later on between movies or something.
Now, for Halloween Traditions!
As I've said, Halloween is my favorite holiday because of dressing up and scary things. It is tradition for me to watch some of my favorite Halloween-themed movies and read some of my favorite stories around the holiday.
This year, I've chosen to the following:
Movies: Hocus Pocus, Interview with the Vampire, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Dracula, and Daybreakers.
Books: I had no choice but to read of Bees and Mist for a review (will be posted Monday). However, there's some supernatural stuff going on in the story, so it definitely kept to the theme!
So, what are your Halloween Traditions?

I love Hocus Pocus!! Have a nice Halloween!!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Having matching costumes isn't so bad! We went as Popeye and Olive last year so I re-used my costume for work this year and no one knew who I was! Olive doesn't make much sense without her man! LOL Happy Halloween!
How cute are you and the hubs! Completely adorable! Glad you had a fun party!
Happy Halloween!
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